Chapter three

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"We're gringas from California"

Chloe, still not finished with the trio shoved her way past the flower pots to demand the girls return.

In the process she proceeded to drop one of the pots, breaking it as it hit the floor.

I placed a paw over my eyes, "give it up Chloe, they'll be back soon enough." I sighed, removing my paw as she hid.

"What are you doing?" I asked jumping down from my spot on the bed and walking over to her just as a staff member opened the door.

"Hola?" He asked, Chloe then proceeded to sneak right past him and out the door.

"Oi Chloe!" I yelped hurrying after her, unlike the chihuahua I did not go unnoticed by the staff member.

But we were in the elevator before he could catch us.

We both hurried out of the elevator, the woman at the front desk stared at us in shock.

"Chloe, c'mon it isn't worth it!"

"Totally is, I'm starving!"

"You wanna dance Rachel? Let's dance." Chloe said slyly as we exited the hotel, wandering down the beaches where humans were gathered around fires.

Chloe, stared in wonder at the people beating their drums.

"Can we please go back now? Walking on an empty stomach is not fun." I grumbled as I stood next to her.

Chloe just turned her head, and to my bewilderment, there danced Rachel with some man I'd never seen before.

"There you are." Chloe yipped with triumph, "oh c'mon Chloe can't you just get her back without embarrassing her?"

"You are in so much troub. . ." Chloe stopped upon being grabbed by a man in all black.

I spun as quickly as I could manage lunging at the man, unaware of a second figure who shoved my muzzle into the sand.

He began fastening something around my snout before yanking me by the collar into a van, with Chloe and several other dogs inside.

I sat down next to Chloe, still attempting to process exactly what just happened while Chloe whined and whimpered.


I entered the hotel room, the man I'd been with that night right behind me.

"So goodnight." I said smiling

"Seriously?" He asked, still grinning as I shoved him out of the room.

"No kiss?" He called after I closed the door.

My smile dropped upon spotting the beds empty.

"Y/n? Chloe?" I called, my worry quickly growing, the Doberman had only left the bed to get food the entire time we'd been here.

"Chloe! Y/n!" I was yelling now and began searching all over the room.

"I'm sorry I gave you dog food!" I apologized spinning around to survey the room.

Blair and Angela entered the room smiling and laughing.

"Chloe, Y/n!"

"What's up love bug?"

Asked Blair tilting her head at me, I stopped panting as I looked at them, my heart clenched in my chest.

"They're missing." I gasped, both girls stopped smiling.

Beverly Hills chihuahua x reader ( Diablo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now