Chapter 2🕷

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I woke up like a regular day and got ready for school, except I actually took a shower this time. I didn't have gym, so I put my Mary Janes on instead.

I walked to the bus stop and noticed the twins weren't there, so I asked their brothers. "Where's thing 1 and thing 2?" Jeremy looked up at me. "They were sick, so I argued with our parents for like 20 minutes so that they didn't have to go to school." He explained. Poor kids. I put my hand on his shoulder and reassured him, "You did the right thing, Jer. You're really brave for taking care of your siblings." I smiled at him and he just looked up at me before smiling softly. I could see tears welling in his eyes.

I knew he needed to hear that.

He managed to calm down after hugging me tightly just before the buses came, Joslyn was still suspended.

Another boring day FINALLY over.

I walked the kids home, and those jerks left Gavin alone. I mentally patted myself on the back for that.

After walking them home I headed back and changed into my spider suit before heading out once again.

I saw some this n that, normal, boring stuff. God I hated today.

Until that guy from yesterday stopped me. "What now, dude?" I groaned. He spoke in the same tone as yesterday. "Kingpin wants to speak with you."

Oh my God, does he give up?

"Fuck up, emo boy." I flipped him off and used my web for once, but he gave chase. Oh my God, dude. I'm not in the mood for this.

I put my headphones on and zoned out while swinging and jumping, a TV girl song started playing and I smiled. They were my favourite. I started singing along unconsciously, "there's really no way of winning, if in their eyes, you'll always be a dumb blond. And she cried, over nothing, so there was nothing I could do to stop, her from cutting, her beautiful blue hair off〜"

He apparently was listening. And he caught up to me. He grabbed me by the waist just before I swung off a building. "Your singing is beautiful.." He mumbled before knocking me out. Just great.

I woke up in some kind of lair. God, just kill me already.

Actually, don't.

I have to take care of the kids.

I looked around and saw a beefy bald guy. Eugh, Kingpin...

"What now, big Bertha?" I rolled my eyes. He turned to me with a cigar in his mouth and the guy that caught me standing next to him.

"Spidergirl... I'd understand if you were a hero, but you're a villain! Why not work for me?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes again.

"Because I'm an independent villain. I don't need some boss to give me a schedule or any shit." He groaned. "And what if I found your identity? You'd have no choice."

"Actually, I would. And even so, I won't let you find out."

He laughed in response before giving the guy next to him some kind of signal. He walked over to me and tried to pull my mask off, but I used my untied legs to kick him off his feet. I used all the strength I could to break the ropes that binded me and broke through a window, swinging away. I had to stop swinging halfway to my house cause I ran out of my web, though. Jumping was fine.

I got into my room and took off my suit, not even bothered to change. I laid on my bed in only my underwear and tanktops that I always wore underneath my suit, groaning. I hate today.

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