Chapter 48: Return, domination and questioning

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- There you can sign here and get your things back.

It's finally my last day in the hospital. there I go home, surrounded by bodyguards.

Dad couldn't pick me up but that's okay. It's not something I wanted anyway. He attaches more importance to his business than to my state of health.

Luckily Macau has always been there for me. He came to see me almost every day, like Porsche, who was careful that they didn't cross paths.

I sign the sheet to leave the hospital and I take my things. The bodyguards give me a hand and we walk home together.

- Sir?

One of the bodyguards turns his head towards me. I say kindly:

- Yes?

- Do you want us to stop somewhere to pick you up something in particular?

- No it's fine, I just want to go home. If I want something, I'll help myself at home....and then...Dad wouldn't want us hanging out too long. Tiger's Eye is probably around...

My bodyguard nods and we walk on in silence. We quickly arrive outside, where my car is already.

The doctors gave me two more weeks off. I must not work during this time, I hope Dad will not ignore this instruction.

I get in the back and grab my phone to send a message to Porsche. As far as I know, Dad isn't here this afternoon, nor is Macau. They are meeting with the main family.

"Porsche, if you ever have time to drop by the house, I'm available."

I look at the landscape a few seconds before receiving a notification. Porsche replies:

"I'll be at your house for 3 p.m. Will you be fine?"

I watch the bodyguards and position myself so they don't watch what I'm doing.

"Yes. I'm going home. I'm going to rest until you come."

"Fine. I'm going to tell Kinn that I'm going to visit you to prepare you for us to work on the Tiger's Eye case together...but we both know it's to fuck you. that I come."

I blush a little.

"Yes I know..."

I send this to him and turn off my phone to focus on the road.


I focus on the present moment. I'm in Kinn's bed recovering from another fuck session.

He went to the shower and I took advantage of this time to communicate with Vegas, the next projects of my precious time.

Glad to know that in a few hours I'm going to be dominant, I get out of bed. I get dressed in my work clothes and go to the kitchen to cook.

Since Kinn and I have started fucking on a regular basis again and Pete is away from home, I've turned into a helpful and docile bodyguard.

Kinn likes it enormously and doesn't hesitate to take liberties with me. Without my expecting it, he comes up behind me and spanks me.

- aaah...Kinn!!

I turn back to him and try to hit him with the spatula but he overpowers me without difficulty. He bends me over the counter giving me another spanking.

- aaaah...

New shivers seize me.

- So naughty...we're trying to go after his boss?

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