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Ch 15: I know you're fine

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"Hey you," Nino said. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the doorway. He had no idea what was going in Ben's head, how much Ben wanted to have the power to make Nino's head explode. Blissfully unaware, Nino just teased him with that big grin of his. "Wow. I can't believe you're actually working."

"Yeah?" Ben pretended to be a nonchalant, uncaring person.

"I mean, for an author, you don't write a lot."

"Tell me about it."

Nino chuckled and untangled his hands. The hurt from seeing him in the alley was the same hurt seeing him now. "You were gone longer than I expected."

"Oh, sorry about that." He was still so loose, so casual, as if he didn't just agree to meet his fiancé as if nothing mattered. Nothing ever really mattered and if nothing mattered, neither did Ben. Not really. Nino rubbed the back of his neck and admitted, "Evie told me she was hungry, and it wasn't just her teeth, either. It's good though. Really killed two birds with one stone."

Ben highly doubted it was a bird they killed.

"You could've texted me," Ben said.


"You'd expect me to text you. You should've texted me."

"Right. Sorry. I didn't think you'd be worried."

"Well, you were wrong." Ben knew his words were coming out harsh, but he could keep any more secrets. It was hard enough hiding all his other, bigger feelings. Ben closed his laptop and grabbed his glasses. He realized when they got home that he wasn't seeing as well anymore. The world was becoming blurred again without Nino's bite.

He pushed them up his nose and started for the door. Nino blocked his way, arm extended out. Nino stepped into Ben's path, his eyes burning a hole in Ben's face. "I know you and Anthony were spying on me."

Ben's stomach dropped. He worried the odor of old books wouldn't mask what Nino had been smelling these five years. Nino could probably pick Ben out of a crowd of thousands.

"We don't have to talk about it," Ben said and pushed Nino's chest. The vampire didn't budge an inch. It was like pressing against a cement wall and Ben rolled his eyes. "We don't have to talk about anything."

"Maybe we should talk," Nino argued, leaning closer. Ben crossed his arms. He needed more protection. This wouldn't be enough.

"I'm fine." Ben put on a smile. "I'm totally fine with what you're going to do."

"Ah..." Nino smiled, a dark laugh flying out of his mouth. "You really don't want to talk. You want a fight."

"It's fine." Ben ground the words against his teeth, his temper flaring up. That smile, that smug laugh, made him want to tear all his hair out. "I know what you're going to do already because I know you. We don't have to discuss it. Go to this dinner. Go talk to your fiancé. Make everything right. But if you want to say it. If it'll make you feel better, go ahead and say it."

Nino continued to block the door, but his expression darkened. "I have to go to the dinner."

"There! There you go." Ben stormed towards the door, trying to push his way past Nino again. "I'm fine going to the club with my friends alone. If you're worried, Anthony can come with me—" Ben finally made his big push through, brushing past Nino, but in an instant, Nino snatched his arm.

He turned Ben around. "What makes you think you can just walk away from me?"

"Because we have nothing else to discuss."

"There's been no discussion. You're the one talking, but now it's my turn. You've been beating up on me since the start of the summer. Maybe I'm sick of you making me out to always be the bad guy."

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