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Ch 14: It's family business.

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Everyone froze, staring at Dante's name written across Nino's phone.

The tension in the air grated at Ben's nerves and no one moved as if Dante could see them through the phone. Nino finally let Anthony go and answered. "What is it, Dante?"

"Hello to you too," Ben could hear Dante say. "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

Nino closed his eyes. "I answered your call." Evie took a step and Nino's hand was on her shoulder. "This isn't a good time."

"That's too bad. I'm going to make it worse."

Nino sighed. He glanced at Ben and Anthony, his jaw clenching. The vein in Nino's hands warned Ben he might crush the phone. He pressed the screen to his chest. "I'm going to take this. Anthony..." His eyes darkened. "Take Ben home. No detours. No funny business. If you mess with him, I will know, and I'll make you pay for it."

Not shaken, Anthony smiled and saluted Nino. "Yes, sir."

Unamused, Nino's dour face didn't change. Dragging his eyes back to Ben, Nino clutched his phone to his chest and leaned so close to Ben, their foreheads almost touched. "No detours. No funny business. Go home. If you're not there when I return, I will burn this city to the ground to find you."

"Don't be dramatic." Ben laughed and tried playing it off, but Nino's tension was still burning brightly. He wasn't kidding. Wilting, Ben touched Nino's arm and when he looked at Nino's face, the world was falling away again. "I'll go right home."

"Nino?" Dante called his name. "Are you still there?"

Ben waved as Nino returned the goodbye by shaking Evie's hand before leading her into a used bookstore.

Sauntering, Anthony breezed past Ben on his way down the sidewalk, but Ben wanted to catch one more glance of Nino and Evie. He had a gut feeling that something was off.

Anthony's eyes worked like a magnifying glass, studying the details in Ben's face and his eyes. "Do you want to find out what they're talking about?"

"I just told Nino I'd go home."

"No, you said you'd be there when he got home."

Ben stood up, slipping out of Anthony's hold. He glanced at the bookstore, his heart thudding against his chest like Ben was beating his head against that brick wall. They were already missing a lot of the conversation. He glared at Anthony, keeping some of his walls up. "Can you beat Nino home?"

The smile Anthony made told Ben he was definitely going to regret this. "Absolutely," Anthony stated as factual.

Taking it all as an agreement, Anthony dragged Ben into the alley. As if he weighed lighter than the air, Anthony swept him up. "Stay close to me. It might be enough to hide your smell."

Ben would've done it, anyway. He clung to Anthony as soon as he leaped into the air, burying his face in Anthony's chest. One of these days, Ben wants to get off this rollercoaster. His heart couldn't handle it. Anthony bounced off the building's side and onto the bookstore roof.

Cleared out for now, it was typically an event space for visiting authors or parties. The fifty cent books, in their deteriorated state, were displayed on shorter shelves and bins. The top layer of books was baked and bleached by the summer sun. Among it all were outdoor plants, mismatched furniture and rugs that have also seen better days.

While staying low, Anthony moved towards the side where a line of books was kept like a barrier. Behind it was a metal fence, entangled with ivy and lights. Ben was sweating, but it wasn't just because of the heat. Through it all, Ben could just see the top of Nino's head. Ben heard the faintest voice, Dante's voice. Ben pressed against Anthony's chest as a fight-or-flight reaction. He could feel Anthony's snicker against his ear.

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