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Ch 16: Ben's crying

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Sometimes the phone alarm was a mere suggestion. You'd think Ben enjoyed waking up every fifteen minutes just to hit snooze and go back to sleep, but waking up that weekend felt especially unbearable. Sighing, he shifted back and forth, knowing he wouldn't find the same comfort again. Probably hearing Ben's movement, someone knocked on the door.

Ben groaned, showing signs of life. Sighing, Ben opened his eyes, only to find Evelyn's face in front of him. Not breathing and not blinking, with her huge dinner plate eyes staring through him. Ben did a double take, and groaned, more awake than he wanted to be right now. Turning, Ben groaned into his pillow.

"Evie, don't do that." He sighed and peaked out. "How are you feeling, little girl? How are the chompers?"

"They're okay, thanks." Evie motioned him to follow and scampered to his door, hanging and swinging off the doorknob.

"Come on," Evie insisted in her smallest voice.

Ben forced his tired bones, feeling three times his age, and reached out for her hand. She grabbed it, yanking him back to her bedroom. Motioning him again, she wiggled underneath the bed.

Ben rubbed his face and combed back his hair and found the willpower to get on the floor. Fighting all the aches and pains, he crawled to the spot beside her and found she was staring into the copper vent. She signaled for quiet with a finger to her lips. Ben was confused until he heard Anthony's voice reverberating in the vent.

"You're really missing a lot of fun family drama," Anthony explained, and after a small laugh, Anthony added, "Why are you making so much coffee?"

Nino's voice clambered up the vent and closed his eyes, just imagining him downstairs. He still hadn't gotten over the fact he was here. Still here. Still so close. The relief of having him was better than sleeping on a bed without covers. He'd rather have a little comfort than nothing.

"You've obviously never seen Ben drink coffee," Nino said.

"But no one else drinks it," Anthony argued.

"But Ben drinks it. And I'm making it."

Anthony laughed at his brother again. "Got it. You're impossible to understand."

"Do you wanna bust my balls? Or will you finish what you were saying? Sibling drama?"

"Oh, yeah. So, you've been gone for a century and can you guess who brought up what to do with your room? I'll give you one guess."

They said it together, "Bianca."

Even Nino laughed a little. Nino sighed. "It's a huge castle. What could she possibly want to do with my room?"

"You know, Bianca. She's selfish. She wanted to turn it into a dressing room or an extra closet for her clothes."

"That entire room?"

"Right? I suggested an updated gym."

"Did Matty stick up for me?"

"Hell no. He wanted to gut it and make it into a sunroom."

Nino sighed again. Ben glanced at Evie and he could see, even in the dark, a smile on her lips. Nino asked, "So, what won out?"

Anthony chuckled. "Dante is Dante. He said when—not if you come home, you'll want to sleep in your old room. That guy thinks he can predict the future."

"Well... he's not completely wrong. I would want to sleep in my room if I came home."

There was a long pause between the brothers. Anthony was the first to break it. "Does that mean... I mean, would you come home? For a visit?"

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