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Ben knew Freddy was the one for Lincoln after their first meeting. Every other guy had just been leading up to Lincoln meeting Freddy. Freddy was his end game and Ben told Lincoln as much. They just fit. Not perfectly alike. More like peanut butter and jelly or coffee with cream. A perfect match, making each other better.

They all met over a nice lunch date. Something casual, but it was monumental to Ben. He watched them at that table dance in perfect synchronization, passing menus back and forth, trading drinks, and offering bites. When Lincoln moved, Freddy did too. When Freddy said something, Lincoln gave his complete attention.

Ben texted a mutual friend that he now understood what he wanted in romance.

That friend then instructed Ben to touch grass.

Tonight, Nino knew exactly what Ben wanted, what he needed, without having to say a word. Ben didn't have to lead Nino or show him the way. Nino probably heard Ben's heart stuttering, so he gave Ben's nervous hand a squeeze. He kept touching Ben, either holding his hand or squeezing his thigh just to make sure he was still there.

Ben's thoughts were a blur, his mind racing with so many questions. As soon as Nino pulled up to the apartment, Ben had to ask at least one question, or he was going to actually implode. "Are you hungry?"

He turned to Nino, getting mentally prepared for the pain. The warning always helped. Nino arriving was usually enough of a warning, but something about the tension in Nino's body, something about the heated look in his eyes, and the taste of the last kiss was brewing something new in the air.

With his stomach churning like a cement mixer, Ben wasn't sure of anything.

Without hesitation, Nino turned the car off and leaned into Ben. Nino trapped Ben with one hand on the armrest and the other on the door. Ben had no where else to look at but Nino's face. Nino told him, "I want to make one thing clear." Ben held his breath as Nino spoke, unsure whether he should look into his eyes or stare at his lips. The lips were the most tempting. Eyes were safer.

"I am not biting your neck tonight," Nino said, his tone so serious and dark. This vampire definitely wasn't kidding. "This isn't about food. This isn't about blood. You better prepare yourself because tonight, I'm going to fuck you until you forget how to say anything but my name."

Heat rushed into Ben's face as he sucked in a needy breath. Just that made Ben's pants tighten. He fidgeted, definitely keeping his attention on Nino's lips, trying to remember the last time they had sex and reminiscing over the way Nino used to touch him. It was a weird feeling to miss someone when they're hovering right on top of you.

Nino said, "I've been holding back for weeks, so if you don't want to do this, I need you to be clear, okay? Okay?"

He had to say it twice to knock Ben out of his blurred horny haze. Ben nodded, trying to formulate sentences. "Okay. I mean, yes. I mean—"

"Get out of the car."

Ben almost said, "Yes, sir."

Ben obeyed and rushed to the front door, fumbling for his keys. He only managed to slide his key into the door when Nino grabbed Ben's arm, pulling him around and Ben's back hit the door. Nino hooked his finger under Ben's chin, tilting it up in time for a kiss. This kiss sucked all the air out of Ben's lungs. Nino's knuckles dragged down the length of Ben's neck and awakened an army of chills down Ben's arms. Fireworks exploded in his head, and he needed to pinch himself.

There was no way this was really happening.

He must be back at the club, passed out drunk on the bathroom floor. Any minute now, Lincoln was going to be shaking Ben awake, and he'd get thrown over Nino's shoulder to be taken home.

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