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Ch 9: Ciao

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After a week of cohabitation, Ben and Nino were settling into a routine. Mornings were for writing and crying on the floor over how he had forgotten how to write and nothing he'll do will ever be as good. Afternoons were for lunch and Nino assured him he was being overdramatic. Bedtime, Evie slept in her bed and Nino slept in Ben's. Just slept. That was all.

Most days were spent finding ways to keep Evie entertained and fed.

One afternoon, Ben caught her drooling at one of the alley cats and he told Nino he needed to do something about it. That night, Nino took her out, and they came back ready to snooze, their eyes dilated, and their stomachs happy. Ben didn't care to ask what they ate, especially Nino. It was a new brand of pathetic to be jealous over a vampire's meal, but Ben couldn't help but take it personally. He was right here, a Kobe Steak, and Nino went out to grab McDonalds.

Even though Ben was the only one who ate regular food, Evie always joined him at mealtime. Evie read Ben's books from his children's section, filled a sketchbook with doodles, played Ben's video games, and watched movies. Her decision on her favorite movie was imminent.

She'd always offer Nino to join her.

He always said he was busy.

Nino walked around Evie like she was an unfamiliar dog who he'd assume had a nasty bite. Her face didn't lie. She couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, even if she'd say it was fine. One day, Ben couldn't take it anymore. They were sitting on the couch. Ben was writing on his lap desk and Nino was reading through emails. Evie shuffled inside, hands behind her back.

"Hey, what's up?" Ben asked, popping his head up.

"Um..." Evie glanced between Ben and Nino, her eyes lingering on Nino, who hadn't even raised his head. "Uncle Nino, I want to go outside."

"And do what?" Nino asked.

Evie shrugged a little, but he obviously wasn't paying attention, so she had to speak up. "Um, I don't know."

Nino narrowed his brow. "Then, we'll stay here. It's not safe to go out."

Ben nudged Nino with his foot. "She's probably stir crazy."

"Me too," Nino said. "But I'm not complaining."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should complain."

"Never mind," Evie said, and Ben flushed. She did this every time they started bickering over her. If she even caught a whiff of a fight, Evie would run away. At this rate, she was going to think she caused every fight. Ben would rather step on glass than let her think that.

This time Ben kicked Nino harder, and Nino grabbed his ankle, yanking him down and Ben's back hit the couch. He raised his laptop to protect it. Nino asked, "What did I do now?"

He still had a firm grip on Ben's ankle.

"She's bored, Nino."

"Yeah, I got that."

"And she probably wants to hang out with you."

Nino sighed. He was as tired of this conversation as Ben was starting it. Pulling teeth would be easier than trying to get through to this vampire.

"You've never lived with her like your siblings. She's curious about you. She wants to be your friend. I can't blame her for wanting you to like her."

"I don't want her to get attached," Nino whispered. "At the end of summer, I'm still not going home. Why should I get her hopes up?"

"You're family. I would've killed to have so many cool uncles."

Nino rolled his eyes. "You don't know my brothers, and you wouldn't have to do the killing, they do."

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