Chapter Five

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Chapter 5: The Fire In Your Eyes

Ted's pov:

What happened before is not important,
All I can think about now is the fact that I let him go, I let a fucking serial killer loose and as much as I planned and hoped it would all be okay...

...I now have to deal with the consequences.

Now I find myself backed into the corner of the kitchen unit as he stands across from me, his stern gaze continuously fluttering back and forth between my eyes and the knife I'm clutching behind myself.

Once again, I find myself watching him, watch me...
The tension building between us, electric. A mutual understanding of everything that could go right and wrong in this situation...

...I find this isn't as unpleasant as I remembered it to be that first time I laid eyes on you...

...And if I'm being honest that first time was only ruined by my reluctance to accept my attraction to you- ...your ways...

I should really focus on not losing my life to you but all I can really think about is how beautiful your icy blue eyes look under the sunset...

...How the warm, evening light beaming through the windows behind us shines through them and glimmers like a fire set in sapphire.

....Why is it you have to tempt me with such beautiful features when you don't even come close to what I've always known to love?

I've only grown to resent you for it, or at least tried...

...But I can only resist my infatuation with you for so long... And soon enough I find myself mesmerised by those eyes once again...

A flame burns through them with a newfound passion... One I know too well from my own murderous inclinations.

He's standing in front of me now, only a short distance between us as he moves closer... And closer...

Unnerved, I shift away from him...

...And that's all it takes for for him to lunge at me, an attempt to stop me from whatever dangerous action he was expecting and now...

...Now he's gripped to my wrists so hard that my carpals feel aflame from the pressure.

Chills shoot through my spine as he suddenly forces himself against me, the clattering of dishes shifting behind us as he pushes me further into the sink.

Water seeps into the back of my shirt as we stare each other down... our faces inches apart...


Blood rushes to my face as I hold back a gasp, the ghost of a whimper against my cheek as he whispers my name ever so softly...

...Now shaking as he leans into me further, he grips my arms tightly as he pulls me towards him.

I feel a sudden, humid warmth creep through my body. Confused, my eyes travel down his and I feel my heart drop when I realise what the source of it is...

Blood pours down the both of us, coating my hands as I hold my knife firmly against him, pushing through his stomach. His body becomes limp as he rests against me, his breathing laboured.

I feel my body freeze beneath him.

He shudders against me as he digs his nails into my my shoulders, wincing in pain as he slowly brings his arms over me...

...and tightens them around my throat.

Panicked, I find myself unable to do anything but stare into his eyes... they look dead, vacant...
But ever so beautiful...

- Bound - [Ted Bundy X Jeffrey Dahmer]Where stories live. Discover now