Chapter 6: Fractures

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Sparrow had already loosened her vines and was walking past Haledon. Moving to stand, the foliage held fast, sending him slumping back into the chair.

"What?" He said with a huff and grabbed at the vines. "How do I—?"

"All you have to do is think about them releasing," Witch-Hazel commented as it stood and walked past Haledon.

Haledon took a deep breath and focused his attention on his body. There was a moment of tension in his chest, and then warmth flowed throughout his torso, rushing towards his limbs. He stood, the vines releasing and retreating back into the bark of his armour.

"And there you go." Witch-Hazel finished, giving Haledon a pat on the shoulder and disappearing around the bend in the Gravodonata's tail.

Chasing Witch-Hazel over the curve, they both made their way to a standing Sparrow.

"Sparrow?" Witch-Hazel asked in a strange tone.

"Stay here." She grabbed at the sap trailing slowly down the hall's walls beyond the dragonfly's tail. "I want you to have the Skimmer perform a repeating hyperspectral scan of the Astra fleet and surrounding area out to half an A.U."

"Something out there?"

"Not yet." She muttered, looking at the sap. "Let me know if you pick up anything strange on the electromagnetic spectrum that doesn't add up with the others."

"On it." Witch-Hazel turned and squeezed past Haledon.

"Haledon, keep close. Let's make this as quick as possible." Sparrow said as she rushed down the hall, her hands still fiddling anxiously with the sap.

They made their way out of the narrow passage and into the main corridor. Following quickly, Haledon tried to keep pace with Sparrow while still eyeing everything within the worm. As with the other ship, the air was hot and sticky, saturating the walls and floor. He noticed less crew congregating on this ship, with most of the remaining Druids heading in the direction he was moving.

After a short walk, the two exited the Colides and emerged on the Astralaceae. Haledon examined the ship excitedly. He had never dreamt of venturing beyond his seed. It was taught that being on one of the other Astralaceae would be like stepping into another world. Each seed was supposed to support its own diverse biology to give each planetary seeding the best chance of success.

What he noticed as he stepped out was nothing short of chaos. Earth Druids rushed around, lugging large accumulator nodules down the hall. Astralaceae Druids stumbled and collapsed against nearby walls and were immediately helped by the nearest person. Shouts erupted as more people rushed down the hall to help in another area.

"What's happening?" Haledon asked as a pit settled in his gut.

"It appears to be a blight of sorts," Sparrow mused as her eyes danced around the room. "If it's affected the rear seed, it's—"

"A multigenerational problem." Haledon injected.

"Very good," Sparrow replied quickly.

Haledon looked at a nearby Druid. He stared at the jaundiced skin of the man as he weakly lumbered forward. His knees began to wobble as his legs finally gave out.

Instinctually, Haledon lunged forward with his arms out. Vines burst from his wrist bark and wrapped around the man. They cradled him before he could touch the ground and gently rested him against a wall.

"Nice catch," Sparrow complemented Haledon as she approached the man.

Haledon's vines released the weakened man and snuck back into his armour. He stared down at his hands and then again at Sparrow. She had crouched before the worn Druid and placed her fingers to his face.

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