Chapter 3

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(In the Drawing Room)

I sat on my sofa, taking a sip of hot chocolate from the south. Across me, sat Hearthen and Alexia, side by side. The audacity!

I sighed. Nothing will come from being angry.

"So Alexia, you are pregnant?"
"That's right. With Hearthen's Child."
Wow, look at her saying that so confidently, pregnant with a married man's child.

I glared at Hearthen.

"Explain what? I love her."
He scoffed, and expected me to just accept that.

"Do you know, according to tradition, the King who commits adultery is frozen, then broken into countless pieces, and offered to polar bears?"

Of course there is no tradition like that, though one Queen did that some hundred years ago.

"So? We don't have to follow your traditions."

I sighed. Well, he is right that ultimately, the Empire won and we lost. But look at his smirk.

"Fine. What did I expect from barbarians of Empire. Alexia, I am going to give you two choices. If your baby comes out as a boy, and according to Empire's old-age conditions, where only boys can be heirs, I will kill it."

Both of them immediately drew out their swords.

"But you are lucky that your baby will be a girl. You and your baby will not be harmed. And by the way, the Empire only won because they starved us, because there is no way you barbarians would have been even able to touch us. So, while I am still being civil, take back your swords."

As I glared, they backed away. Atleast they understand that snow is my domain, and I am not hungry as well. It would be too easy to kill them off, if not for my people being held hostages.

"How did you know?"
Alexia asked, while still glaring at me.

"Well, I am different from you, slutty barbarian-"


"Hmpf! You are a coward all in all. You can't harm me, and you all are alive only because you are holding my people hostage. I am warning you, if you have another child with this slut, I will forget about the hostages. Don't dare to push me to my limits, Emperor's Dog."

Hmpf! Clutch your hands all you want, everything I said is the truth.

"And Alexia, I am giving you a choice. Either take your Hearthen and live with each other as Empire's knights, and I will marry another person from the Empire. That way, both of us will be happy and peaceful.

Or, if you insist on being his mistress, you have to be my mistress as well. And your child will be mine too, that means that I will educate her. And don't bother speaking. I will wait till tonight.

If you don't come to my bedroom by 10 pm, I will proceed with the divorce. I am sure that the Emperor will be happy to just give me another husband.

And if you do come, be ready to serve me as a mistress."

And I went away, ignoring their shouts. Right now, this is the only thing I could come up with. Just take Hearthen's mistress from her. It wouldn't be too hard to seduce her, and since her daughter will have White Magic, it would be beneficial for me to take her into my wing.

For now, let's see if this polygamous relationship can work. I don't have many options since I can't even come out of the palace and somehow free my people. I have four years at best before they will be of no use for the Empire. And with them gone, my usefulness will be gone too.

I have to get the treasures my daughter will get in the future, and prevent Alexia's daughter taking any as she got to become powerful enough to be the final enemy of my daughter, despite not being an Anertian.

Sigh... Just why did I get thrust into this world?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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