Defense Attorney Edgeworth & Prosecutor Wright Pt.1

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A/N: Swap AU.

Fifteen years ago, Phoenix Wright's life was turned upside when his mother died in their apartment building's elevator. After the tragedy, his mother's boss, who she worked as a secretary for, adopted the little boy and raised him as his own. Now he's a prodigy prosecutor with an unbeatable conviction record. That is until he ran into an old childhood friend.

"Phoenix's been a long time. You've changed." Miles Edgeworth, defense attorney, said standing across from the prosecution.

"Well, that's what time does, Edgeworth." Wright replied.

"Or, did you really expect me to be that same naive little boy from elementary school?" he added with a smug smirk.

"No...but I didn't expect this either." Miles muttered to himself.

The trial was for the murder of Mia Fey, and the one accused was her sister, Maya Fey. By the end of today's trial, Miles was able to get the witness, April May, to confess to wiretapping Mia's office phone. Prosecutor Wright was not happy, at all, at not getting an immediate guilty verdict.

"This isn't over, Edgeworth. I will get my guilty verdict." Wright growled, slamming his fist on the prosecutor's bench.

"What's up with that Wright guy?" Maya asked when her and Miles met up in the defendant's lobby.

"If only I knew." Miles sighed.

After Maya was taken back to the jail to await tomorrow's trial, Miles returned to Edgeworth & Edgeworth Law Offices and tells his father about the trial.

"I know his mother's death was hard on him, but....Father, I could hardly recognize him." Miles rambled, pacing in front of his desk.

"I tried really hard to make sure the two of you kept in touch after Griffin died, but Von Karma seemed determined to keep you boys apart." Gregory sighed.

Meanwhile, in his own office, Wright re-examines the evidence for the case. Then, thoughts of a certain defense attorney sneaks its way into his mind, making his chest fill with warmth and his stomach tie up in knots.

"Focus, Wright. There's no time for this nonsense line of thinking." Wright reprimanded himself.

He didn't want to think about his old friend, nor the confusing feelings that came with it. Back with Miles, the attorney makes his way to the office of Redd White after getting a tip from Marvin Grossberg. By what was told to him of the slimy CEO, Miles knew that he was the one responsible for Mia's death.

"Are you accusing me of....murder? Mr. Baby-Edgeworth?" Redd snickered.

"Would I be here if I wasn't?" Miles sarcastically replied.

A sudden hard punch to the gut brings Miles to his knees, his breath knocked out of his lungs.

"I'd be careful who you be a smarta** to, Mini-Edgeworth, especially when Daddy ain't here to protect you." Redd chuckled sinisterly as Miles coughed and sputtered.

"So, you admit it, huh? You killed Mia Fey and framed her sister?" Miles grunted, clutching where he'd been punched.

The next punch hits his left temple, causing him to briefly see stars. It also broke his glasses, so now he couldn't even see well. By the time he gathered his senses, the police were bursting into the room.

"I'm so glad you came. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to defend myself for much longer. He's the guy, the one who killed that pretty little defense attorney lady." Redd said, feigning being afraid.

"Excuse me!?" Miles shouted, bewildered, as he was pulled to his feet by Detective Gumshoe and had handcuffs slapped on his wrists.

On his way out, Miles looks over his shoulder and sees the evil grin on Redd White's face. This was a man who's entire fortune was built by blackmailing many important people. He had those with the most power and influence right in his pocket, so being accused of murder by him was a challenge that Miles will have difficulty overcoming. But he won't allow Redd White to continue to cheat the legal system, and he won't let him ruin anymore lives.

"Miles!? Hey, what's going on here!?" Maya said when she was let out of her jail cell, only for her lawyer to be placed in it.

"Maya, please call my father. And tell him to bring my spare glasses." Miles told her.

Maya nods then runs to the nearest phone, calling Miles's dad, just like he told her.

"How'd this happen, Miles? What evidence does that b*stard have to pin the murder on you?" Gregory asked when he came to the station.

"He's Redd White, father, he doesn't need evidence. He says the word, and I'm behind bars." Miles replied, rubbing at his bruised temple.

"But we can't just let him get away with this!" Maya protested.

"Miles, please, let me defend you." Gregory pleaded.

"No. I'm a grown man, Father, I can fight my own battles." Miles said, turning down his father's offer.

"Son, this isn't you standing up to a bully. This is you acting as your own defense in a court of law! You know as well as I do that it's never a good idea to represent yourself." Gregory argued, trying to talk sense into his stubborn son.

"I know, but I need to finish what I started." Miles told his father.

Gregory sighs deeply, relenting to his son's wishes. Moments later, Wright gets a call from Detective Gumshoe updating him on the case.

"What? The defense attorney did it?" Wright said, surprised.

Hanging up the phone, the prosecutor looks to the old blue keychain laying on his desk and wonders if the boy who defended him in that mock trial truly was a murderer. Then he shakes the thoughts out of his head, Von Karma always told him that the court was no place for emotions, that emotional attachments only keep you from success.

"Those who are truly innocent wouldn't need to defend themselves." Von Karma said every time Wright had tried to question his teachings.

He wasn't going to let these....unnecessary feelings...that were beginning to plague him stop Wright from getting his conviction and maintaining his perfect record.

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