Chapter Four

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Johnny nervously knocked on Annabelle's suite door. He moved from one foot to the other. His large personalised boots luckily not tripping him up. Annabelle rushed to the suite door, she was keen to see Johnny again but equally as nervous as what the evening ahead held. She hadn't changed out of her two piece outfit, she loved it too much, but had put on her barely there black heels, freshened up her make up to a more evening Smokey look and given herself a big bouncy blow dry. She took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hi doll. Ready?" Johnny said smiling. He was wearing black trousers, and a white shirt that framed his body beautifully. There were multiple accessories hanging from his belt loops, and his hair was pushed back off his face. He looked nothing short of insanely handsome making Annabelle lick her lips. She nodded pulling her suite door shut behind her as they made their way down the corridor. "How was your day?" He asked sweetly. "Well I guess you know I met Gina spontaneously for breakfast, and then we hit some of the shops this afternoon, other than that just work." "You worked?" "Yeah.. I had to get some stuff done, it was playing on my mind." "Crikey we need to get you enjoying this vacation don't we!" Johnny smirked as they exited the elevator and walked through the lobby to a waiting car. Johnny held the door open as Annabelle climbed in gracefully. "Sean and Travis are my security they'll be with us the entire time, sorry that's just what I have to do because of who I am.. try to pretend they aren't here." Johnny said beginning to roll a cigarette. He had one leg bent across the other with his left foot resting on his right thigh and looked effortlessly cool. "Oh cheers boss... sometimes we do the same to you." Sean smirked. This resulted in the group laughing as the car headed to its destination.

They pulled up to The Louvre just as the sun was setting. It gave the city a gorgeous orange glow, Annabelle climbed out and saw a group instantly recognise Johnny, they must have been tourists by the looks of things and they rushed over. Sean slowed them down before Johnny looked at Annabelle with large puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry; I'll be 30 seconds I swear." The woman smiled "Goodness, don't be silly, go ahead." "Oh my god!! Johnny!! I'm your biggest fan!!" One woman said as she tried to hug him whilst getting a selfie. Annabelle and Travis watched from a few steps away as the man greeted his fans and posed happily for photographs. "I'm really sorry I have to go now, it was wonderful to meet you all!" Johnny said smiling and waving to the group before heading back towards Annabelle. "I'm sorry about that. I try not to let it get in the way but sometimes it's unavoidable." "Johnny don't apologise, you probably just made their year! It's lovely how generous you are with your time." He smiled leading her into the main entrance of the gallery.

Annabelle noticed that the gallery looked almost closed, there were a few members of staff scattered around but not one member of the general public like usual. It appeared she wouldn't be aggressively walking around trying to find a vacant spot to admire the artwork like she normally did, a dream come true. She saw Johnny looking at her so she smiled sweetly before Sean bought over a member of staff. "The place is yours Mr Depp, just ensure you and your guest keep to the rules, and we'll be around if you need us." "Thank you. It's a pleasure." Johnny said shaking the man's hand before he led Annabelle off to the first viewing room.

A few hours later, Johnny offered his arm as they made their way down the steps into the gardens. They were lit with various fairy lights and solar lights and it provided a beautiful ambience to the Summer evening. The pair hadn't stopped talking about their shared interests in art and literature and all things in between. Johnny had learnt that Annabelle had an older sister Charlotte, who was somewhat of an ex semi professional Tennis player, and had spent most of her childhood in her shadow until finding her calling with her own career. Annabelle learnt that the most important thing to Johnny were his two children, he often referred to them as his gods, and it sounded like he worshiped the ground they walked on. She of course knew of the children, Lily-Rose was often spotted at Fashion events with her mother, even at the tender age of 13 she was incredibly chic and Jack apparently opted out the spotlight preferring to stick to his love for music. They wandered for a while before Johnny said "Without being too forward I made provisional plans for the rest of the evening, if you would care to join?" Annabelle smiled "Well I've got nowhere to be and nobody to answer to so that would be lovely. I don't want to put you to too much trouble, I've taken far too much of your time already." "Darling, I am enjoying the company. Shall we?" He led the way back to the security team who escorted them to the vehicle once more.

They drove through the city, the lights giving a comforting warm feeling to Annabelle as she watched the Eiffel Tower come into view. She looked at Johnny who was smugly smiling. "Are we..." "Yep. You wanted to do touristy things, well my love you can't get more touristy than that." He donned a black fedora as Sean opened the door. "It would be best if you stay close Annabelle, we aren't sure how the crowds are yet." She nodded, following Travis whilst Sean stuck to Johnny like glue. They made their way to the tower, before being escorted ahead of the queues, the hustle and bustle, and before she knew it they were walking into one of the elegant restaurants and bars at the top of the tower. She was handed a glass of the finest champagne she had ever tasted. "Here's to our vacation." Johnny said raising his glass with hers. He gently put an arm round her lower back and guided her through the empty restaurant, towards the balcony doors. The breeze embraced them thankfully as she couldn't help but feel flustered having his arm around her.

She gazed out at the view, having seen it multiple times before but still enjoyed every moment. "So... how was your first evening being a tourist?" Johnny whispered leaning on his elbows on the railing in front of them. "Wonderful Johnny, thank you! I don't know what to say. You didn't need to do all this." "I did.. I told you, I wanted to show you not all men are a total waste of time." She smiled sweetly before taking a sip of her drink. "What about you? Maybe I should be trying to show you that not all women are like her?" Johnny scoffed "Ha, don't worry doll I already know that, out of all the women I've loved none have ever been close to that, I know I just chose badly and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life." "I'm sorry." Annabelle said quietly looking down at her glass. "Don't be, it's nobody's fault other than hers and mine, I let it get that far, I should have stopped that relationship before it started but I didn't." Annabelle nodded "we don't have to talk about it. Like you said last month at Cannes...hating is an expensive emotion. It requires a fuck load of caring... and I know you would rather not." She said smirking. "Wow.. you quoted me word for word. I'd say you are a fan Miss Davidson." "We never denied that Mr Depp... but the original task was to find out if I had a crush on you.." she said quietly as he stood up straight and moved closer to her. She looked up at his chiseled face, the face that was being lit up every few seconds from the lights on the tower. It made her smile, he tucked a stray hair behind her ear before whispering "and... what happens when I do find out? Do you then have to find out if I have the same crush on you?" He said seductively in a whisper. Annabelle's eyes widened she was stuck for words. There's no way this man could like her could he? Well there was only one way to find out...

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