Chapter 10: Drugged

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In which Ra finishes the first session of the game, only to be accidentally drugged up. Warning on accidentally being drugged.

Chapter Text

"Han, get your ass out of there!" Changbin growled. "You don't have the hit points."

Ra muted herself to keep from giggling. Han, the Wizard, had broken the cardinal rule of squishy spellcasters. Never get caught in melee if you can help it.

"I am NOT healing your ass if you die, Hannie," Felix growled through the speakers.

Ra felt the hair on her arms rise at his tone. She gave up, dissolving into giggles she was glad none of them could see. She bit her knuckles trying to stop, and couldn't breathe. It hadn't taken the boys long to go chasing after the next plot hook.

"Is that Ra laughing?" Came the amused voice of Chris over the voice chat.

Ra couldn't help it. She laughed even harder.

"It IS her!" Felix said, laughter evident in his voice now too.

Ra tried to get her breath, unmuting herself. "Han broke one of the rules of the squishy, don't go where you can get squished."

The boys laughed. "The squishy? Is that what you call wizards?"

Ra grinned. "It's any PC that doesn't have a high AC."

"Han is still squishy even when he's not a PC though!" Felix cried. "Look at his squishy quokka cheeks."

Ra muted, dying of laughter all over again. Her brain leapt to a filthy image of Han's OTHER cheeks, and the giggles renewed. They had now been playing for ten hours, and had stopped to let them level up. Ra had had her teapot refilled so much now that her flight attendant had somehow timed exactly when her pot was nearly empty. They only had a couple more hours left in the air before they landed for an overnight in Beijing.

In spite of the tea, however, Ra's voice was beginning to crack under the strain. She was not a vocal person in general. She took a break to run to the bathroom, letting the boys do their thing. Still getting used to the amount of chaos these boys, these Kids, could put out. They seemed to have energy in spades. Her not so much.

She stood up from using the toilet, confused to find a white powder on the seat. It had been clean for so much of the flight, she hadn't realized it was there when she sat down. She brushed as much of it off as she could, groaning as some of it fell on her hips. She beat it off the black joggers, and washed her hands as well as she could.

When she got back to her computer, they were ready to get back to the game, taking the fight seriously again. Han only had to get hit once before he was putting as much space between him and a zombie as he could. This cued rounds of ribbing from the others. "Squishy quokka!"

Ra smiled into her computer. Their first inside joke. D&D was many things, but her absolute favorite piece of running games is when the party has played long enough to start getting the inside jokes. The ones about weird situations, funny anecdotes, and yes, absurd nicknames that only those playing would know.

The last zombie was standing, when the plane began to make the usual whining noise Ra associated with descent. It was Changbin's turn, his second-level fighter doing what tanks did, keeping the monsters on him. She was watching the screen. This was likely the last round of combat, regardless of whether the killed the thing or not. She considered fudging the numbers on the zombie's HP, but ultimately decided against it at Changbin's attack roll.

The first natural twenty. Ra grinned as the boys started to celebrate. She hadn't explained natural twenties or natural ones yet, having wanted to leap straight to the game. She cleared her throat. A wave of nausea ripped through her, but she shook it off.

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