Chapter 23: A Gilded Cage

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In which the protections are beginning to chafe, a song that stirs feelings up, Chris gets some much-needed rest, and Ra formulates her plans for the portraits and the English lessons.


This is where things are going to diverge from the "real world" time line.

One, because I don't want to stop writing every five minutes to go find out where the guys were on X date.

Two, because I'm going to be writing into the future soon enough, and I can't predict the future.

Three, because I am still wrestling with myself whether to include Moonbin's death or not. I don't know if I could take that mentally. (I know this story has a lot of triggering elements to it, but they're ones I've worked past in therapy. I'm still very much in PTSD mode when it comes to *that* kind of death.)

Chapter Text

When Ra woke again that morning, it was to Chris gently shaking her awake. He had shifted down a bit to let her use his stomach as a pillow instead of his thigh.

"Jungwon and the others are headed up soon if you want a shower and coffee," he said.

"I'm going to need both," she said, rubbing her eyes. He saw the little finger hearts that she made, and smiled as he got up. "I'm sorry I've been cranky lately," Ra said. "It's... been a lot to take in."

"It has," he agreed. "You seem to be making yourself a nice little army of friends lately. Are you sure you don't want to see if BTS would like to play D&D next?" His tone was teasing, but Ra's eyes went wide.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, that's... that's fine," she said. "I'm fine. That's fine." She put her head in her hands. "Please don't play like that, I think I'd have a heart attack if they texted me next."

"So you did know about them, huh," he said, snickering at the wild look that came across her face at that. "It's okay. They made a name for themselves even if you don't know their music."

She collapsed boneless onto the bed. "I don't think I have heard any of their songs, if I'm honest. I know their reputation for donating money to charity."

"I'll let Jungwon know that," Chris said, lifting her effortlessly to her feet. "Speaking of, get going."

Ra glanced at her feet, and at the bed, and then up at him. "How often are you guys going to just... throw me around like I weigh nothing?"

"Probably when you stop falling asleep weird places," he said, heading off to his own room without glancing back.

Ra stood in her room where he'd set her down, feeling equal parts bemused and affectionate. After a minute, she started laughing to herself, before grabbing some comfortable clothes for a quick shower to start the day. Chris had brewed her a cup of coffee by the time she got out. She was halfway through it when the knock came at the door, and Jungwon, Ni-Ki, Jay, and Jake were at the door for their game.

Oddly domestic, Chris messed up her hair before leaving with the staff. "I only have to film one more part and then I'll be back at lunchtime."

"Okay, be safe," Ra said, turning her eyes to her players.

Ra knew it was unlikely she would be able to run a longer game for ENHYPEN. She kept the two-shot game brief, leading them on a merry chase for clues to unlocking a magical item meant to protect a small village from kobold attacks. She had just finished narrating the close of the story when Chris returned around one in the afternoon.

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