Chapter 04

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"Please save my baby"

Kim's head was spinning with what he had just heard. His eyes were wide as he saw the nurse push him out before the curtains were pulled and the image of Porchay he had seen was him mortified and pleading to save a baby. 

He was pregnant, why didn't he tell him, who was the father, was it him, but they haven't been together for nearly three months now.

Kim stumbled through the emergency room. How can he proceed with all of this? He thought he could be together with Porchay again, explaining his stance and all of that. But he had put Porchay in danger instead, why did he have to force him to have that conversation with him? He blamed himself for everything that is happening right now. 

Perhaps, if he had stayed out of Porchay's life, it would have been better. Maybe he'd have lived a happier life with whoever he was currently with. He didn't have to come back into Chay's life and make it miserable. 

Kim's heart was broken into pieces, did Chay move on so fast from him? His head was a mess but he had to focus on Porchay's well-being. He sat in the waiting room, anxiously tapping his foot and putting his hands together in prayers. He had no idea who was he praying to but he just wanted to Porchay to be fine and his baby too. It would break Chay if anything happened to the child and so would that break Kim. 

Every second passed in agony, it was taking too long. He had no idea what was going on inside, he has never been in the presence of a child let alone a pregnant person. He doesn't know what someone is supposed to do in this situation.

What felt like hours were only 30 minutes before the nurse came to get the patient's family details. Kim registered himself as his boyfriend and didn't inform him about Porsche. He wasn't sure if Porchay would have wanted his brother in this situation. Does he even know about Chay's situation, he had no idea and he didn't want to trouble Chay further when he can take care of things for now. 

The nurse informed him that Porchay was fine now but he was too weak and malnourished. And before Kim could get more anxious she told him the baby was fine but since Porchay didn't take care of his diet and stuff, the development of the baby is slow. They were thankfully able to save the baby because Porchay had passed his first trimester and was around 14 weeks pregnant. Considering the bleeding was minor and due to overexertion and stress they were able to save the baby, but it was a close call.

"You can meet him after 15 minutes, he's still asleep so make sure you won't disturb him he needs to rest.", Kim nodded to the instructions he was given by the nurse. 

He sat down again with shaky hands and feet. Porchay was fine and the baby was fine too. His eyes started to tear up with everything that had happened. The gravity of the situation finally dawned on him and he was overwhelmed suddenly. Porchay was fine, he repeated in his head again and again until the doctor and nurse left the emergency and gave him a go-to for a visit. It was already late, way past their shift should be over.

He sat beside Chay on a chair. He was too scared to touch him but he needed to feel his presence to relax. He brought his hand carefully to Porchay's hand and held it very carefully between both of his hands. And that made him break down completely. He was such a horrible person for making Chay's life miserable. He buried his hand near their joined hand and mumbled sorry, I'm so sorry, Chay. Again and again. Right then he felt the hand between his hands stir slightly, it was the index finger that twitched evidently when he pulled his head away from their combined hands. 

Uhh, please, please no no. 

Porchay was mumbling something, it seemed like he was dreaming.

"Hey hey hey, Porchay, open your eyes, you're just dreaming.", he didn't have to coax too much because Porchay was easily pulled out of his dream and Kim saw him opening his eyes slowly adjusting to the lighting. 

in your arms -KimPorchayWhere stories live. Discover now