Chapter 9: Ice cream, sob stories, and hope.

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"I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect, they are way more i n t e r e s t i n g." ~ Marc Jacobs

For some reason, I didn't have a nightmare that night. I did have a dream though, it was of Reece running to a top of a hill and sitting under a willow tree. I don't think it meant anything, but before I fell asleep I was thinking about him. Why does he care? He says I deserve happiness. But I don't see how I do, I've done nothing in this world but rot.

It's not like I'm complaining, I am so grateful to have a peaceful night of rest. Back at home, I slept with one eye open. I thought he would come, and beat me. He did use to do that, randomly wake me up and beat me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Abby stretch and turn over to look at me. Right now, it's around 6:00am and I just woke up.

She yawns, "What are you thinking about?" She ask, her voice a little groggy from sleep.

"I didn't h-have a nightmare." I say, my voice close to a whisper.

"That's great!"

Abby gets up, grabs her toiletries and some clothes, then she looks at me with a big smile like she hadn't just woken up, "I'm going to go take a shower, I'm happy you finally had a peaceful sleep. You deserve it." She leaves in her footy pajamas with a warm smile.

I rub my eyes and run my hands through my hair. I wish I could act as confident as Abby, I know inside she isn't but at least she can act like it. She's not jittery and she doesn't stutter, she's loud and happy.

I hear a knock on my door, and just think Abby forgot something. I get up and open the door to see a happy looking Reece.

He chuckles, "Nice shirt."

I look down to see my cotton shorts and a baggy shirt with a dinosaur on it saying 'Dino you love me!' I got from Abby. I feel heat rush to my cheeks and lick my lips, "U-uh, thanks." I give him a confused look, "W-why are y-you here?"

"It's the first day of the two months!"

I though he was joking about that, I didn't really think he meant it. "Oh."

"Come on, get ready. Be fast to, I can get in trouble being near the girl cabins." Reece explains.

"O-ok, one m-minute."

With that, I close the door and start getting ready. I put on some dark denim jeans and teared up converse Aunt Marie got me. I kept on the shirt because I don't feel like wearing a bra. I don't brush my hair or do my make up, because I don't care that much.

I open the door to see Reece rocking on his feet and his hands in his khaki shorts. He looks at me and a small smile sets on his face, "You ready?"


I walk out the small cabin and close the door, and we start walking to the main building.

"So, tell me Avery, what is your middle name?" Reece ask me.

"Marie, w-why?"

Reece shrugs, "Avery Marie, do you like ice cream?"


"Good, because that's what the food court is selling today. Also, ice cream is the number one comfort food." Reece explains.

"Why do I need comfort food?" I ask.

Reece smirks, "It helps you heal, trust me."

With that, we walk to the food court.


After ordering our ice cream, (Reece got mint and I got vanilla) we went to a small table. The food court looked like a cafeteria, just with a salad bar and sundae bar.

"So, Avery, tell me about your self." Reece said, and licked his ice cream cone.

I chuckle, "Th-there is n-not much to kn-know."

A small smile, that always seems to be on his face, becomes a grin. I notice how perfect his white teeth are, and how his jaw is so angular when he actually grins, "I want to know."

I sigh, "W-well, my f-full name is Avery M-Marie Light. My middle n-name was f-from my A-Aunt Marie, who f-found me and g-got my d-dad arrested." I shake my head, trying to clear the memory of when Marie found me almost dead, "M-my favorite color i-is purple, my f-favorite animal i-is a p-panda bear, my b-best friend i-is Abby and... Oh! I-I use to h-have a-a g-good friend n-named Jasmine."

"What happen to her?" He asked.

I didn't even realize I told him about Jasmine. She was my only friend in high school, and had family problems just like me. When she called me one night crying yet laughing she told me what happened... She was leaving and getting out of that house of hell.

"She moved a-away after th-they found out a-about h-her family problems." I sighed, "H-her mom w-was a dr-druggy and h-her um... brother r-raped her."

Reece grabbed my hand and squeeze it, "I'm so sorry, you didn't have to tell me that."

"I-it's okay," I said, "Sh-she got the h-help she needed and she is n-now l-living with h-her boyfriend."

He gives me a sad smile, "Good for her, that's a really hard past."

I shrug, "She i-is quite s-strong."

He smiles and squeezes my hand again, "So are you, my darling."

I blush at him calling me darling, and start eating my sweet vanilla ice cream. We ended up talking about the difference between alpacas and llamas. Don't ask me how, Reece is to blame.

After a while, Reece took me back to my cabin. We stayed at the food court for five hours, just talking. I ended up barely stuttering with him, it was amazing. I mean, me and Abby talk all the time, but I still stutter. Something about Reece told me I was safe.

Because that was Reece makes me feel.


He also makes me feel something I haven't in a long time....



I think I hit a personal record, this chapter is 1,o65 words...

I hope you like it! (≧≦)

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