Chapter 29: Outcast and Wallflowers

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Grabbing the same black suit case that I unpacked around two months ago was almost the most hardest thing I've ever had to do. I knew once I was packed, I would have to let go of this camp with a corny name like Foreverland and all the people in it. (besides Reece of course)

Abby is going to rehab in London, Kike and Skylar are going back home to keep an eye on there foster parents, and me and Reece are moving in our apartment near Aunt Marie's house. I'm growing up, and I really don't want to.

My whole life I've thought about survival, making sure I was alive. I don't need to worry about the present anymore. I'm worried about the future. Whats after this? College?

I look at my empty suitcase, I just can't seem to pack it. If I pack, I go on the bus, if I go on the bus, I have to face reality. This place was more like a vacation then it was a rehab. I've changed so much just from two months. I promised my self to never let anyone in, they'll use you. I thought every one on earth were monsters, and I was going to be eaten alive. I've grown up.

"Avery, just looking at the suitcase won't pack it." Abby sighed.

I also know i'll have to leave Abby. Shes going to London for rehab, she said its one of the best in the world. Her brother is paying for it all, I don't think she knows how lucky she is to have such a loving brother. We were bawling our eyes out last night knowing we probably won't see each other ever again.

Kike and her broke up last night to, I know they are both acting strong like they normally do when they are sad. But, Abby said it had to done. Maybe they'll end up together, but not everyone can have a happy ending.

Kike and Skylar? Going back home to Michigan to take care of there foster parents. I guess they are aging and need a second eye on them. Me and Reece will be in Ohio, so we'll have to visit them her and there. I know Aunt Marie and Rosie will want to meet the people that practically raised Reece.

Talking about Aunt Marie and Rosie, Rosie is moving in with Aunt Marie. I guess I'll be seeing more of my mother, its not like I mind. Everyone deserves at least a second chance, and I know she regrets what she did.

"Hey, Aves?" Abby asked me.


Abby sighed and grabbed something from her suit case. "Turn around."

I did as told and she moved my hair on my shoulder. Something cold touch my neck, and she clasped it. "Go look in the mirror."

I went to the mirror and saw a necklace on my neck. It was a cross rimmed gold and filled with a blue stone. It was simple, yet it meant a lot to me.

"Whats this for?" I asked and turned around to face her.

"So you can't forget about me."

I chuckled, "Thats sorta impossible."

"Shut up and go get packed, the bus with leave in a little bit." She smiled at me.

And that's what I did, I packed.


I looked around the bus stop. Every on seems to be here. No body looks dead and motionless like they did the first day, they are basically glowing.

Abby and Kike. Kike had his hands on Abby's cheeks, his thumbs brushing away the dreadful tears. He's talking frantically, and Abby is nodding to every word he says. Even a blind mice could see they love each other. He kisses her forehead and hugs her, blinking away tears as she sobs on her shoulders.

Taylor and Jakie. They both are hugging goodbye. I know they aren't softies, but they obviously care about each other. They were stuck like Velcro, now they are being ripped away from going home.

Jake and Maddy. Holding hands. Word around camp says they've liked each other since they were really little, but just now took action to it. Also that they are moving in with each other to.

Fate is freaking crazy, huh?

Reece walks up to me and wraps a arm around my wait.

Me and Reece. Where can I start? I use to be a shy stuttering girl that never believed she would be in love. Then he walks in the library, thinking that its cute i'm broken just like him. He taught me that I am worth something in this world, and the world is worth something to, no matter how crappy of a place it really is. I love him, so much.

I glance at Abby and she gives me a sad smile and a wave. I wave back, smile, and grab my necklace. Mouthing 'thank you' to her.

The bus that was decorated in rainbows and smiley faces doors open up. I step forward, and look around.

This isn't just a rehab to anyone. This is where everyone that is broken, can be broken. And its okay. Its where you make friends, its where you fall in love with some body, its where its okay to be broken. Maybe that's the whole meaning of this camp, to feel acceptance for once in you life.

"Ready when you are, Avery." Reece smiles at me.

I go on the bus, and take a seat. I look out side the window.

This is the camp where you aren't just midair, but you can fly.

This is the camp of love and friendship.

This is the camp of Outcast and Wallflowers.

The End.


Oh my god.

Can I just take a moment to breath?

*breaths* OH MY JESUS GUYS!

Its finished, my little book is all grown up. Thank you so much guys! I love you all, and all the support. I promise there will be a epilogue in about a week... maybe? I'm really busy next week, but there will be a epilogue!

I love you all, I'm seriously ready to cry guys. :,D


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