Chapter 15: Broken Sparks

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"How could you drop my heart?

It's not that heavy." ~Unknown.

"Okay, let's head back." Reece said, "You owe me a dance."

"Who said?"

"I just did." He rolls his eyes.

I didn't reply to that because, honestly, I didn't know how. We went back to the dock and walked back to the tent.

When we walked in, everything looked the same. The song was upbeat and unfamiliar, but everyone seemed to know it.

"Hey," Reece whispered, closer to me then I expected, "look."

He pointed to a far corner, where there was a white couch and two people making out on it.

"Ew, why'd you have to show me that?"

"Look closer."

I looked closer.

Abby and Kike

"Holy cow!" I shrieked.

I couldn't believe they were together. I knew it would end up happening, but this was the first night they have ever talked.

"Wow, I didn't know Kike had the guts." Reece admitted.

"Me neither."

Suddenly, like in a movie or something, the upbeat music became slow and steady. It was a song I actually knew too, I Know You Care by Ellie Goulding. Everyone seem to pair up with each other and started to sway, turn, and even dip. Abby and Kike started to dance too.

Reece looked at me expectantly. I sighed, "I've never slow dance before."

Reece shrugs, "I haven't either."

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him, while I put my arms around his neck. Since he was around seven inches taller than me, my head rested on his chest and not his shoulder. He picked me up a bit, and put my feet on his like it was nothing. He rested his head on my shoulder, a gesture so small that put my heart in over drive. Then we started to sway.

"You don't weigh a bit, love." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled, which has become a daily thing since Reece came into my life. It's funny, I didn't know the first time I talked to Reece he would change my life. Now, here we are, slow dancing.

I know you care,

I know it's always been there.

Buts there's trouble ahead, I can feel it.

Your just saving your self when you hide it.

Yeah, I know you care.

I see it in the way you stare.

As if there is trouble ahead and you knew it,

I'll be saving myself from the ruin.

And I know you care.

"Everyone, please evacuate the tent." I heard a voice from the speakers say.

"What's going on?" I ask Reece.

"I think there's a firework show." Reece said.

"I've never seen fireworks." I admit.

Reece eyes widen, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah..." I blush.

"Don't worry, you'll like it." He reassures.

Yes, I haven't seen fireworks. I've seen picture of them, and heard them during Fourth of July... but that's it.

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