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Victoria POV

I watched as her bus drove off making me start my walk home I don't know why I watched her leave but I did it for some reason.

I made it home not long after laying on my bed as notifications from the basketball group chat came in making me watch as the text flooded in.

Emma: So I may or may not have found out why coach was so happy with Jayden.

Olivia: Oh really? Go on then.

Emma: Apparently Jayden was approached by coach to be the original manager but she rejected it and no one knows why.

I read the text so fast that I almost didn't process it, Jayden was supposed to be the manager? Did she not join because of me?

Sam: Problem rejected it because of us you know.

Emi: Yeah probably.

Olivia: At least she knew what was best for her.

After that I threw my phone away from me out of anger I didn't know why I just did it I didn't know if it was what I read or what they said but either way I was tired so tired to fall asleep right after that.

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