Sunday Morning

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Adrian POV

I woke up with Jayden cuddled up to me like a little koala which made me smile at the site as I looked at her she was wearing my sweater with my pj pants.

The sight warmed my heart.

I unhooked her arms from me so I could go to the kitchen to make us breakfast I went downstairs into the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the kitchen table my mama was probably still sleeping.

"Are you okay Adrian?" She asked me as I began making me and Jayden's breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?" I asked confused a bit.

"Because you looked pissed last night so I'm asking if you are okay now." She replied as I walked over to her, sitting down beside her at the table as she sat her stuff down giving me her attention.

"I was pissed last night someone hurt Jayden and got away with it." I told her honestly as she hummed.

"Did she tell you the name of the person who did it?"

"No she was afraid too."

"If you meet the person that did this you have my full permission to kick their ass whether that be sports they play, academically, or in popularity I don't care but you have my permission." She told me with a smile.

Mom and Mama both treated Jayden like family so this wasn't much of a surprise for me but it reassured me which made me smile then I heard the microwave go off singling the food was done.

I got up and so did Mom then she did something that was surprising she hugged me I have the back and she backed away and smiled.

"Now go feed your girlfriend before she starves." I was going to correct her but didn't as I watched her walk away I grabbed me and Jahden's food going upstairs with a smile.

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