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Kit Connor @kitconnor
I'm so tired of all the hate being sent to Emelia, she is one of the kindest, most positive people I know and i'm not going to let some of you unemployed losers hate on her because of an assumption you all made about song lyrics...

Yasmin @yasminfinney
replying to @kitconnor

Joe Locke @joelocke
replying to @kitconnor
Get their asses!!

Emelia Cordone @emeliacordone
replying to @kitconnor
i told you not to post thisssss

Kit Connor @kitconnor
replying to @emeliacordone
That's a CRAZY thing to say to the
leader of the Emelia Cordone protection squad

Liked by 852,281 otherspop_updates: 'Heartstopper' star Kit Connor speaks out against singer and co-star Emelia Cordone's haters, tweeting, "I'm so tired of all the hate being sent to Emelia, (

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Liked by 852,281 others
pop_updates: 'Heartstopper' star Kit Connor speaks out against singer and co-star Emelia Cordone's haters, tweeting, "I'm so tired of all the hate being sent to Emelia, (...) i'm not going to let some of you unemployed losers hate on her because of an assumption you all made about song lyrics" (via @kitconnor on twitter). Several of the Heartstopper stars joined in on defending the their co-star. We wonder, what really happened between Emelia and Roseanne, and what is 'Selfish' really about?


user3673: Bro thinks he did something💀

user2389: I was going to say she won't fuck him but given that it's Emelia we're talking about...

user9528: Who asked him fr

user7892: The shade to Roseanne is crazy

user9926: That show is going to flop anyways

user8627: Maybe she didn't cheat...

user3528: @roseanne_alvarez step up to the mic

user9627: Emelia brainwashing everybody at this point it's crazy

user4262: Are they dating or what

user9272: Get you a friend like Kit

user9862: omg that picture of rosemelia i'm so🥺

user7826: STOP THE HATE

Liked by 1,246,281 otherspop_updates: Roseanne Alvarez spotted in heated kiss with mystery man!

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Liked by 1,246,281 others
pop_updates: Roseanne Alvarez spotted in heated kiss with mystery man!


user362: NOOO WAY

user926: she deserves so much happiness

user2356: Does this put an end to the Rosemelia drama

user7821: Bro who is thatttt


user8365: This was deffo a snap back at Kit

user1834: ICONIC omg

user427: I wish I was that guy...

user3511: Why are they in the ocean LOLLLL


user986: i didn't know she was bi

user7611: WOW😍

Emelia's eyes were glued to her phone; something that's been happening a lot recently. She stared at the screen in disbelief, rereading the caption over and over again. "Roseanne Alvarez spotted in heated kiss with mystery man!" Roseanne was waist deep in blue salt water, hands on an unfamiliar man's hips as their lips were interlocked into a tight kiss.

"Guess who just wrapped episode six!" An ecstatic Kit bursts into the girl's trailer, smile immediately falling.

"Hey, hey... what's going on, Eli?" The aubern-haired boy speaks softly, watching as Emelia's now tear-filled eyes never tore from the phone screen.

Kit softly pulled the phone from her hands, letting out a sigh as he got a look at the screen.

"Oh, darling.." Kit softly tan his hand down the blonde's back, earning a broken sob from the girl. Kit pulls the blonde into his arms, running his fingers through her long hair.

Emelia's shaky hands gripped his loose shirt, cries leaving the girls mouth. "She moved on" Emilia managed to get out, inhaling sharply before breaking down again. Kit squeezed the girl tighter, quietly shushing her sobs.

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