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Emelia's blood went cold as a knock sounded at the door. She grimaced at the tuna casserole, her father's favorite dish, sat in the middle of the neatly set table.

Her ears rang and clothes felt too tight as she watched her father step into the door, the car seat in his hand was covered with a plain pink blanket. One that looked almost identical to Emelia's baby blanket.

"Emi..." The voice of the man she once idolized rang out. Her stomach churned at the sight of his guilt-filled face.

"Don't. Let's just get this over with." Emelia dismissed him, looking everywhere but into his eyes.

The three of them sat on different sides of the table, Emelia's half-sister asleep in her car seat next to her father's chair. An awkward silence settled over them, the clanking of metal and metal.

"So, how has Roseanne been?" The man attempted to break the ice, Emelia's fork freezing in front of her open mouth.

The girl slowly placed her fork back into her plate with a 'clank'. The silence was deafening as her mother stared between the two of them.

"Yeah, she's great... we're engaged actually." Emelia lies through her fake smile, showing off the sparkling diamond ring on her left hand. The very ring he'd bought for her 16th birthday. Her father's face fell.

Her mother let out a shriek.

"You got engaged and didn't tell me?! We didn't raise you to keep secrets Emelia May!" He scoffed, voice raising as he looked at his daughter.

Emelia let out a dry laugh, watching her parent's faces as they scrunched in confusion.

"You didn't raise me at all!" Emelia stood up, filled with rage.

"Emelia! You do not speak to your father that way!"

"I can't believe you're fucking defending him! Look at him, mom! He was fucking other women while you worked 2 jobs to keep us afloat!" She yelled, earning a horrified gasp from the woman, before moving on to her father.

"And you! Fuck. You. You don't ever take credit for raising me! You weren't fucking here! You were never here! If you were here, you would know that Roseanne and I broke up months ago and this is the ring that you bought me! No wonder you were so detached, you had a whole other family on the side! Mom and I were calling everyone that night, worried about you, and you were lying to our faces! God, I can't even look at you right now!" It felt like her throat was closing as angry tears escaped from her eyes.

"You know, I was excited to come home and visit you both because neither of you ever call me and check in on me. Where the fuck have you guys been?! When Roseanne and I broke up on New Years, you were both too busy to answer my calls. Where were you when half the internet was telling me to fucking kill myself?! Where were you?!" She cried even harder as her baby half sister let out an ear-splitting wail at the loud commotion.

Her father had the baby girl in his arms immediately, cooing at her and bouncing her softly in his arms, the warm look in his eyes conflicting with the guilty tear sliding down his cheek.

"I'm going home. I hope you're a better father for that babygirl, because you were a shit one to me."

emelia {eli❣️}
kit {kit🧸)

fuck my dad

i'm going home

You're not at home? Where are you?

this isn't my home

everything feels tainted now
i just need to get the hell out
of here

I'm sorry darling :(

You're coming back to London?

will you pick me up at the
airport tomorrow?

just you

i'm leaving late tonight and
i just want to hug you

i'll get there at like 1:00 pm uk time

I'll be there.

I miss you so much

i miss you too

honestly i don't have the
mental to tell you what went
down at dinner tonight
and i have to pack
but i'll tell you later i promise

if i tell the story now i'm not going
to get through it without crying..

i'll see you tomorrow lover boy

Try to get some rest tonight love

Text me before you take off❤️

Liked by 20,123 others heartstopperupdates: Emelia in LAX early this morning💚

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Liked by 20,123 others
heartstopperupdates: Emelia in LAX early this morning💚


user4837: She looks dead inside

user3527: omg is she okay?!

user9272: She looks sad

user6282: She's either high or depressed LMAOOA

user573: my baby:(

user2945: WHO HURT HER

user62862: me pulling up to class 5 mins late:

user5274: Not her outfit

user9962: Is she good?

user52838: Wasn't she supposed to be in LA until HS promo started?!

user927282: Why is she at LAX at 4am

user221: what's going on

Emelia made her way through the Heathrow Airport, scanning her surroundings for a familiar auburn haired boy. A pair of sunglasses was now covering her sleep deprived eyes, she'd only slept an hour, being too focused on the lyrics she jotted down into her song book for most of the flight.

"Hey," A familiar voice rang out from behind her and she immediately lept into his arms, head buried into his shoulder.

The butterflies in her stomach mixed with the hurt in her heart as she felt his arms tighten around her.

"You're home, baby. You're home."

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