twenty three

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Emelia's mouth was incredibly dry, she twisted her rings around as her makeup artist finished the last few touches on her cheeks. Kit laid on the hotel bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone in a pair of loose gray sweatpants and a wife-beater.

Emelia thanked the makeup artist fairly quickly, heels clicking against the hotel floor as she quickly ushered her out. When the door finally closed with a small 'click', her heart sank.

This is it.

She made her way toward her boyfriend, anxiety wracking through her brain. Kit looked up from his phone, a sympathetic smile on his face as he took her cold, shaky hands into his.

"Hey, you can do this. We're almost done building the case then we can sue the shit out of your manager, okay?" Kit was standing now, looking into the girl's nervous eyes.

She just nodded, the words caught in her throat. Her eyes were darting everywhere except for her boyfriend, and it was becoming hard to breathe.

"Baby, look at me."

"Eli, please." Kit rested his forehead against hers.

Their eyes finally met. Eli's filling with tears.

"Hey, no crying with that fresh makeup on your pretty face. Take a deep breath with me." Kit put her hand on top of his chest, guiding her.

"I love you. None of this is your fault, okay? It's probably going to hurt both of us but I want you to know I will never be mad at you for this. I love you so much my girl." Kit grabbed her waist, pulling her close.

"I love you Kit, thank you." Emelia kissed him tenderly, Kit's knees nearly buckling as he melted into her.

"God, it does pain me that I can't go out and look at you in this all night." Kit admitted, both hands running down her waist, to her hips.

Emelia let out a yelp as she felt a small pinch on her ass.

"Oh, shut up. I'll see you later lover boy." She laughed smacking his arm.

"The woman of the hour!" Roseanne's voice was sickeningly sweet, as Emelia stepped into the blacked out SUV.

"Yeah, hi." Emelia remained dry and reserved, missing Kit already.

"So, how has life been, how's Kit?"

Emelia couldn't resist rolling her eyes.

"Okay, can we cut the shit? I thought you had a boyfriend, why the fuck do you want to fake a relationship?!" Emelia spoke with venom in her voice.

Roseanne let out a scoff.

"You think I wanted to do this shit with you?! We literally just got the hate against us to stop and now we're doing this shit, I can't even imagine what people are going to say!" Roseanne shook her head with frustration.

"I was never even with Zack, i'm literally a lesbian! That was for PR too but obviously it didn't cause enough attention because look at us now." Her voice was filled with annoyance.

"So why are we even doing this?!" Emelia threw her hands up in defeat as the car came to a stop.

"Fuck! Okay, just smile and nod." Rosanne fixed her hair before holding out an open palm.

Emelia just stared at it.

"Oh my god, if you're going to be my fake girlfriend we have to make it believable!"

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