Dreams Awaken

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But that day wasn't the end of Mordred and Avlynn. Avlynn went to Avalon and was probably the worst priestess there ever was or that's what she let Viviane think. When magic benefited Avlynn she would try alone but with Viviane she played the perfect idiot when it came to magic. The magic that intrigued her the most was how a priestess could communicate with someone far away. Because ever since she left Scotland at the age of eight all she could think about was Mordred her friend, her protector, her everything. It didn't help that she's didn't have any friends in Avalon as the priestesses were dying off and getting older. So she would try and contact him . She tried for years thought he couldn't hear her til one day he whispered her name but it then cut off right after. And something she couldn't understand happened after at the age of fourteen. She would dream him but the dreams were strange. The first dream was of the woods of Scotland that they would play in as children. It was a Sunny day. She looked around and it almost felt real but then she heard something, a growl. She turned around and there was a wolf stalking at her. But she did not run because it was only a dream. Though the wolf kept coming towards her until she walked into a branch that tripped her to the ground. The wolf never stopped moving as it licked its lips. It made it to her feet as it walked above her, it looked as if it was getting bigger as it's legs were on both sides of her as it was forcing her to lay completely flat on the ground. She fit perfectly under him until she was met face to face with the wolf that had brown eyes. She recognized those eyes and as they bore into hers, there was no longer a wolf there but Mordred grown staring down at her. She was so happy at first but then she looks at his eyes, they were dark. She felt she couldn't speak, she couldn't move she was paralyzed but she wasn't scared if anything she felt something else. Excitement maybe? But he just stared at her, his eyes traveled her body. Eventually he leaned his head down, his nose nuzzled against her face to the point that she giggled and his face soften. They were smiling at each other now and then slowly leaned his lips down to hers and he kissed her like he did when they were children. It was a chaste sweet kiss and then the dream ended with Raven waking her up. Avlynn was a brat for the rest of that day. 

There was another dream long after again a Sunny day in Scotland which Mordred always said were only there for her. But this time she was met with Mordred standing against a tree staring at her. She ran up and hugged him but it felt strange she didn't know how to describe it but for one he didnt hug her back. He stood still like stone as she looked up at him, his eyes were dark again as he looked down at her coldly. Mordred never looked at her like that.

She let him go and took a step back but her arm was snatched by him, pulling her to him.

He leaned down to her and gave sly mischievous smile "run" was all he said as he let her go and so she did. She ran and it felt so real. it was no longer sunny but a gloom set as she saw Mordred running behind her but after every other tree a wolf would be running in his stead and then it would him. This distracted her so that she eventually tripped on her own feet and fell to the ground. She lifted her head up and saw Mordred above her staring down at her. He smirked at her but it was almost a grimace as he pulled his tunic over his head still looking down at her. She looked at him trying not to linger at his toned torso as she was starting to get a bad feeling from this. Mordred kneeled down to her as she was sitting up, they were almost face to face as always he had a significant amount of height from her that is something the years or dreams didn't change. They stared at each other for a while as Mordred lifted his hand to her face cupping her cheek. She felt calm in that moment until her face was pulled to his with their lips smashing together. She couldn't breathe, she was so in shock but it was only a dream. Do women have dreams like this with men kissing them she thought as Mordred started to crawl on top of her making her fall back. She felt his body start to get between her legs and she wondered how she could dreamt this as she realized all their clothes had disappeared and thats when, Mordred pulled away looking down at her hungrily even giving out a boyish giggle like he hadn't expected that to happen. She suddenly became so embarrassed that she immediately covered herself but just as fast Mordred pinned her wrists to the ground above her head with his eyes never leaving her body. She had dreams like this before of forgetting clothes in front of people but this felt different.

Before Mordred decided to stop ogling her, she found her voice "This is only a dream isn't it Mordred?" her voice sounded so small and Mordred's lustful gaze turned to one of maybe guilt she thought. 

"Do you want it to be a dream, would you only want this to be a dream?" he looked disappointed. 

"l want us to be together outside of dreams, I've missed you so much" his grip and weight had loosen on her that she was able to pull herself up and she felt a shift dress on her body as she now cupped Mordred's cheek but he moved away, now standing above looking down at her almost angrily 

"One day I will come for you" he said through gritted teeth and with that she jolted up from sleep in a cold sweat. 

Was that real?

 She couldn't understand how it could be, it was so strange. 

It had to be a dream, that didn't feel like her Mordred.

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