Meet Again

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Well I think this is the dumbest idea you have possibily ever done av she thought to herself as she walked  aimlessly for hours. You run away from Avalon to get away from Viviane endless nagging and ambitions you don't share to come to Scotland to meet a boy you haven't seen in ten years, he's probably forgotton you most likely she thoughts landed her with a branch swinging into her face. 

"Great bloody idea av, which is sure to turn out well. And what do you expect to happen when you meet again for him to jump in your arms and live happily ever after." She muttered to herself stomping about in the path.

Avlynn so stuck in her thoughts doesn't notice many men on horses coming towards her. She finally notices when they circle around her.

 "Look what we have here boys, lost little girl" the men laugh around her. She tries to speak but nothing comes out as their horses now closing in on her, brushing pass her with her hood falling off her head showing her avalon crescent. 

"Oh look we have a priestess of avalon gracing us with her presence" they say mockingly.

 "Is that what you have there men, well let me take a look?" a voice called out from behind and the circle parted to let in a figure that shook Avlynn. 

Its him she thought her breathing starting to quicken. 

She wasn't the only one, Mordred looked like he saw a ghost, he was speechless and they were just still staring at each other. Mordred noticeably gulped as one of his men looked between them.

 "What would you like to do with her my lord?" the man obviously having a double meaning behind the sentence he found funny but Mordred looked furious. 

"For you to have shown her the respect a priestess of avalon deserves but since you have failed in that regard, ride back to the castle" Mordred eyes never left hers.

"Yes my lord" all his men rode away, now it was just him and her. Now Mordred rode around her and Avlynn just followed his gaze. 

"What are you doing here?" he sounded angry.

 "l came to see you" Avlynn said like it was obvious. Then what Mordred did next cut her like a knife, he laughed. He laughed what felt like forever and Avlynn just tried to hold back tears.

 "Maybe he doesn't know who I am" Avlynn thought.

"Do you not remember me?" Avlynn said in a broken tone and that's when Mordred stopped laughing, his look turned dark as he was still circling her,seeming like he was trying to intimidate her. 

"Yes princess I remember you well, you've grown nicely I must say, you always had a pretty face but now you have a pair of tits and hips to match it" Avlynn jaw dropped at his condescending tone. Her Mordred from long ago, would have never spoken to her in such away. And now here he is seeming bored with the encounter, have broken eye contact with her long passed, now slowly dallying away from her. 

"Where are you going?" Avlynn completely shocked with how this is going.

"Going back home, might catch dinner on the way" Mordred said casually with his back towards her. 

"You're just going to leave me here?" Avlynn sounded beyond hurt as Mordred wouldn't fåce her and kept moving away from her. 

"Now what reason would I have not to leave when you seemed to be doing so well on your own, really if i hadn't come sooner all of my men swould have given you a very Warm welcome to these parts" Mordred almost yelled out the last part as he turned to her did a deep angry breath in and out. Avlynn tilted her head confused to him and he just kept huffing and puffing until he moved back to be right in front of her and got off is horse. Mordred looked like murder as he stood in front of her but Avlynn was not scared. He stepped closer to her until their chests were touching and they could feel their breaths on each other. Avlynn suddenly gasped as Mordred lifted her up on the horse and hopped on back of her not long after. They rode for a very shon while until Avlynn looked up at a seemingly very annoyed Mordred and he looked down at her. They just looked into each others eyes as Mordred had his one arm wrapped very firmly around her and had her very closely to him that Avlynn could feel like she was feeling his whole body. Mordred suddenly looked away and did a very notcieable gulp in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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