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KIARA WAS EXTREMELY CONFUSED on what she should do next. Kiara didn't even know that Yue even liked girls, let alone had a crush on her. Why did Kiara always manage to have a crush on the most complicated people? She also didn't know what to say to Sokka. How does one say, "Hey, sorry I accidentally stole your girl"?

Kiara entered the igloo that her and the rest of the group would be staying in and plopped herself onto her sleeping bag. Katara, Aang, and Sokka all seemed to do the same thing.

"How did warrior training go?" Katara asked.

"Great," Kiara said sarcastically. "I wasn't even allowed to be there for more than five minutes. Apparently they don't teach girls how to be warriors."

Sokka fell onto his sleeping bag. "What's wrong?" Katara asked him.

"Princess Yue," Sokka said. "I don't get it! One minute she's totally into me and the next she's telling me to get lost. How did water bending training go?"

Aang sighed. "Master Poophead won't teach Katara because she's a girl."

"The North Pole sucks," Kiara said, her face muffled because she buried her head into her pillow.

"Why don't you just teach her, Aang?" Sokka suggested.

Katara sprang up. "Why didn't I think of that? At night, you can teach me whatever moves you learn from Master Pakku! That way, you have someone to practice with and I get to learn water bending!"

The two left to go practice their water bending. Kiara stared at the ceiling. "Is it just me or are people in the Northern Water Tribe a little crazy?"

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked.

Kiara turned over on her side. "I have something to tell you. Please don't hate me."

"What did you do?" Sokka asked, almost in a jaded tone.

Kiara covered her face with her hands. "Yue kissed me," She said guiltily, her voice muffled.

Sokka's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. "What?!" He screamed.

"I'm sorry!" Kiara exclaimed. "It just happened! Well...actually...she kissed me first. But I swear, I didn't try to make a move on her or anything."

Sokka turned over on his back and looked towards the ceiling. "Why doesn't anything go right for me?"

"I'm sorry," Kiara repeated. "I didn't know if she was into girls or not. I thought she liked you."

Sokka frowned. "Wait a second. I didn't know that you were into girls."

"Well, boys and girls," Kiara corrected. Sokka shot her a look. "Bisexuality is a thing, Sokka."

Sokka nodded. "Right, right."

"Do you hate me?" Kiara asked.

Sokka sighed. "No. It's just...it's not fair how you pull way more than I do. Like you don't even try and you still do."

"Sokka, it's because I have a lot of experience. Don't worry, your time will come," She said. "Trust me. You're attractive, funny, and smart. When girls realize that you will be a ladies man."

"You really think so?" Sokka asked.

Kiara nodded. "I know so."

Katara and Aang were caught by Master Pakku. The following day, they both had a meeting with Chief Arnook to convince Master Pakku to take Katara as his student. Master Pakku gave her some attitude, so Katara angrily challenged him to fight. Although Katara was an amateur, she held her own pretty well. Master Pakku realized that she was Kanna's granddaughter, the woman he was arranged to marry a long time ago. Katara's grandmother left the Northern Water Tribe because she didn't want to let the customs of her tribe rule her life.

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