Chapter 7

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Slowly but surely, Draco's feelings were growing for Harry. The other man was way too considerate of Draco's needs and his feelings, and he wished he would stop being so nice.

"Malfoy!," Harry greeted happily on Saturday when he stepped out of the floo.

"Hello Potter."

"Ready to get Teddy?"

"I am. I just wanted to drop a few things off?," Draco replied, sounding slightly unsure.

"Of course! Drop what you need to in your room, I'm just finishing up breakfast anyway. I hope you didn't eat."

"No, I didn't, because I know you have a penchant for feeding me," Draco teased.

"Just wait until Wednesday," Harry promised with a wink.

Draco dropped the bags into what is now his room, cast a multitude of cleaning charms, cracked open the window, and made his way back downstairs.

"Do you want me to pop over and get Teddy so you can finish up?"

"Are you sure? I'll only be a few minutes."

"Whatever I can do to help."

"Yeah, okay. Give this to Andy will you?," Harry asked, passing the plate over. "Tell her there's extra for your mother. Everything should be ready when you get back, thanks."

And now Potter was making things for his mother, and Draco felt very warm inside all of a sudden. He recited the address to Andromeda's house and stepped through the floo.

"Perfect timing dear, Teddy is just about finished packing," Andromeda greeted him kindly.

"These are from Potter, he said there's extra for my mother?," Draco said questioningly, handing the plate over.

"Yes, we're having an outing today. Where is Harry?"

"Finishing up breakfast, I told him I would come through and grab Teddy."

"You look happy," she remarked.

"It's mental to think that I actually am," Draco admitted. "He's so kind and he takes care of me. I've never had that before. Not without something expected back from me."

"I told you that if you let him in you wouldn't regret it."

"I don't, not with him."

"Are you still in denial that you're more than friends?," she teased.

"Don't. I need to navigate this friendship first, it hasn't even been that long."

"Just remember that you met when you were 11," she concluded, opening her arms to say goodbye to Teddy who had walked down the stairs.

"Where's Harry?"

"He's finishing up breakfast. I told him I would come and get you."

"Okay good. I was worried he was working."

"He's just working very hard on breakfast for us. Are you ready?"

"Bye grandma have fun with Auntie Cissy."

"I'll tell her you send hugs."

Teddy nodded and then grabbed Draco's hand so they could go see Harry.

"Harryyy!," Teddy sang when he stepped through the floo.

"There's my Teddy bear!"

Giggling, Teddy launched himself at Harry, who picked him up easily, spinning him around.

"Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Pancakes?," Teddy asked hopefully.

"Pancakes!," Harry cheered.

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