Let the Movie Marathon Comence

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A very short chapter, but I wanted to finish Dexter's P.O.V before I start relationships and such. Dexter P.O.V


"OK, lets watch the movie! What is it?" Asked Raven.

I stood there, amazed she could just blow off an attack that would have had most girls crying in a corner. This Raven girl was one tough woman.

"Oh, crap." She sighed, picking up her coat, which was torn from shoulder to the end of the sleeve. "This was my favorite! Damn that Tunneller bastard!"

She raised her hand and rubbed her burned and bleeding shoulder (the burn continued down her neck and shoulder onto her chest) and her hand glowed blue. The bleeding stopped and the slash from the knife now looked weeks, rather than minutes, old.

"How did you do that?" I asked

"I have a limited ability at healing. I can't heal anything older than a week, or heal very far, but i can reverse venom and poisons." She replied.

"That would be useful."

"Yeah, but manipulating air is easier. I'm magically ambidextrous." She said when we looked puzzled. "I'm just weird. I hit the Surge at sixteen."

"SIXTEEN!" Skulduggery exclaimed.

Raven nodded. "Yeah, now lets watch the movie!"

After the marathon of 'The Lord of the Rings' was done, the only ones still awake were me and Raven.

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