Getting Ready

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This is General P.O.V  and the day after the last chapter.


"So, this ball." Raven said to Valkyrie. "Will this dress do? It goes with the mask."

Raven held up a plain black corseted dress.

"I can alter it a bit. It's been altered about seven times."

"It should be fine. Whats the mask look like?" Replied Valkyrie.

"Not telling. I could add lacing up the front... in red. There should be some red ribbon from all the embriodery i unpicked."

"You unpicked embroidery?"

"Yeah. This is my only dress. It's been mine since i was eleven. If mother said I had to wear it, I'd stay up all night altering it so it looked like a new dress."


"Yeah. this things been bleached, dyed, embriodered, had bits added and taken off, and the neckline keeps getting altered."

"I don't know why we need an Easter Ball."

"Easter is fun! My brother and twin sister eat to much chocolate, Liam ends up on the couch with a stomache ache, and Sienna just goes beserk. Never let my twin sister near sugar."

"You have a twin sister? What's She like?"

"Well, shes shorter, prettier and more lady-like than me. I'm the smart one, not that my sister is dumb or anything, but shes domesticly clever, and I'm accidemically clever. Truly she's probably smater than me."

"See you there." Valkyrie said as the alarm on Ravens phone went off.

"See you."

Raven ran through the door, and into Dexters car.


"I think you and Raven get on well." Ghastly said.

"I think you should be quiet." Dexter replied.

"You should dance with her at the ball."

"She said she doesn't dance."

"But not that she couldn't."

"Just drop it."


"Got a mask?"

"Yeah, not there's much point."

"Raven thinks that we won't recognise her with a mask from a distance."

"You've seen her mask?"

"She wont show me. She made it herself."

"I'll see you there."

Dexter left to pick up Raven from Valkyrie's house (although Valkyrie called it 'Gordons').

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