... Now We Are Here...

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Soon it'll be a year,
Since I got back on track;
But like Murphy's Law suggest,
Some bullshit is going to come back.

A comment meant as a joke,
But apparently it wasn't funny;
Then I got asked to give space,
So she can be with a guy that throws her money.

You know what's fucked up?
"I'm still going to support you"
Then goes and bans me from her channel,
Disappears from mine and then say the previous is true.

It's even more fucked up,
Because I ended a streak;
Turns out snapchat numbers are more important,
Than an idiot who only felt defeat.

She asked for space,
I politely complied;
But apparently space didn't mean disappear,
To turn her own words into a lie.

A lot was happening at that moment,
But I became a friendless in need;
Filled with rage,
I showed them what disappeared means.

Yeah, I left the server,
I left places where I did not want to be;
"But people are feeling offended",
Oh bitch... you just wait and see.

I can be extremely offensive...
I just use poetry as an excuse;
The previous poet died long ago,
Now venting via poems is what I choose.

You won't read these words,
I know he won't either;
So it is time for poetry to be my friend,
And to become my stress reliever.

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