It's Best To Lock One's Door At Night

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A long time ago in a small laboratory in the Green District, there lived two children who are not related but they care for each other very much. Since they were not given names yet by the scientists, they were simply called 'big sister' and 'little sister'.

Why are these two nameless children in a place filled with scientists? That's because the circumstances of their birth are unique. Both big sister and little sister were born on Christmas Eve, at the exact time when the world shifted to December 25th.

Now, a person might think that it's just absurd. Many people are born on important dates and they are just as normal as the person next to them but these two are...a bit odd—and that's because they both share a wine glass. And that's' enough for the adult to deem them as special.

When a person is born, they have an empty wine glass. What do they do with the wine glass is up to them but mostly, they either fill their glass with delicious wine or give some of their wine to other people. Whatever the case, a person only has glass that exclusively belong to them. Except for those two.

They both share a glass. A glass that belongs to them. When somebody gives them wine to drink, they share it together and when somebody wanted to drink their wine, they share it together.

The scientists find it strange that such a thing happened and they wanted to do something about it. Because according to them, there should truly be only one of them should exist. Only one of them should bear the burden of becoming the holy child. And they chose the younger sister to bear the burden. So they did what was needed to be done. They split the wine glass in half and give one to each sibling, and then they sent the older sister to a far away school so that they could focus on turning the younger sister into the perfect holy child.


"Hey, Two? Can you help us with this?"

"..." Two took a deep breath. All she wanted to do right now is go back to her room and take a nap but it seems that the world is not going to make it easy for her."

The person that stopped her is a student. A student that Two is not familiar with. Two really wanted to tell this person to go away but she can't do that.

Because she is the holy child. And the holy child has a reputation to uphold in this school.

"Sure, what do you need help with?"

"With this." The student pointed her finger at the courtyard. There, she could see two students picking a fight with each other.

"You want me to stop those two?"

The student nodded.

Two thought about what she wanted to say. She could just tell the girl that she should just look for a guard instead but she knew it wouldn't be that easy. That student looking for her because she is the holy child, which somehow puts her in a much higher position compared to the guard of this school.

(This world must be screwed up if they're willing to put their faith in me rather than a trained professional.) Upon realizing that Two had no choice on the matter, she opened her mouth. "Alright. I'll help."


Two dragged her body to her dorm room. It was supposed to be a simple endeavor, all she had to do was stop a brawl between two students but what happened instead was a full on war between two clubs: the badminton club, and the tennis club, over the right to use the court. The incident that was supposed to last a minute ended going for an hour, with the conclusion being that the school security arrived finally arrived to quell the chaos within seconds.

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