The Villain

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Today is math. This is arguably Two's worst subject.

Two sat in front of her class tapping her pen against her notebook. The teacher in front of her is saying a bunch of words that are falling out of her ear. Two wished that this could hurry up and end already.

"...Hah." Right now, Two is in room 101, her homeroom. This single room has 30 chairs to accommodate 30 students. And these 30 students are honestly some of the most...defensive people she has ever seen. Two isn't sure how to describe it: It felt like somebody is always trying to hide something from someone else, while at the same time, trying to dig up dirt on another person. This unfortunate classroom she's in is a cesspool of rumors, secrets, and conspiracies. If any normal person even spent a day in here, they would probably pass out from the pressure of everyone's gaze.

Luckily, Two never had to experience something like that. Because she had something that makes her untouchable.

"Pst!" Two tried to call out to her classmate beside her. The classmate noticed and turned their head towards Two.

"Wh-what do you want?" Her classmate whispered nervously.

"I just want to know if something interesting happened today," Two whispered too.


"Yes, today."

"I...I don't know! and you shouldn't concern yourself about any of this!" her classmate immediately went back to her notebook, trying their best to ignore.

"Hm..." Once again, someone refused to open-up to Two. Because she is the holy child. Why is she called the holy child? Because she was born in an important date. Because the adults deemed it so. As Two is the holy child, it meant that by default, her importance is much bigger than anyone in her class. And this importance created a line between her and her classmates, a line that no one dared to cross. A line that Two doesn't want to cross. Her classmates seemed to have the false impression that she is somebody who will change the world, thus, they either try their best to get out of her way, or suck up to her just for the chance of making it big.

Even though this holy child that everybody is clamoring about is just a normal human. (Well, I don't really care about it. If this is the reality they built for me then why should I change it? There are no downsides for me.)

Two's thought was immediately cut off when the teacher slammed their ruler on the table.

"Did anyone get the formula?" The teacher asked.

"Yes," they all said in unison, including Two. Even though she knew that none of them were barely able to process the stuff that their teacher was saying, they all decided to nod their heads in agreement just so they could move on with their class.

"I see." The teacher slapped her ruler against her palm. "If you understand the lesson then we're going to have a quiz."

"Eh?!" Voices of dejection filled the classroom. Two, who did not say anything in order to maintain the illusion given to her, is equally horrified by having a quiz thrown at her so soon.

"Shaha!" Her teacher laughed with her strange laugh. "Sounds like you kids didn't understand at all!" She pulled out a bunch of papers from her desk. "Now, you kids at the front. Take these and pass them to the ones at the back."

"..." This may not be obvious but Two is wishing for something to happen right now. She doesn't care what it may be, whether it's somebody blowing up the laboratory or a big fight broke out in the gym. Just...anything to get them out of this mess."

"...Please..." Two made a wish to the sky above.


And as the holy child, her wish was immediately granted. As there was a large crack on the window. The sound of glass splitting took Two by surprise as she stared at the crack.

Even The Odds: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now