Chapter 10: A New World

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As the portal opened, the group fell out and into an ocean. Mohammad used his power to create a giant platform of ice and he used his telekinesis to move Link, Zelda, and Ian onto it. He looked around and when he could not locate Meagan, he started to panic. "Oh shit! Where's Meagan?!" He suddenly heard splashing nearby. He saw a small hand trying to paddle its way up and it was growing weaker. All of a sudden it ceased. Mohammad jumped back into the water and dove to find Meagan slowly sinking to the depths unconscious. He grabbed her and swam back up to the makeshift iceberg. He laid her down and tried to shake her awake. "Meagan, MEAGAN! Can you hear me? Wake up." She wouldn't. Her lips were of a pale lavender and her skin was almost white. He did compressions on her chest and blew air into her mouth.

"What are you doing?!" Link did not want his sister to get more hurt and he was very much unfamiliar with Mohammad's method of rescue.

"It's a revival practice that the Gerudo have been using for years for drowning victims and those with heart problems. That's quite common at home." After he continued his compressions and blowing air into her lungs for some time, she started to cough up water. Her breathing was weak. She then opened her eyes to find everyone standing over her.

"Meagan! Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah Zel. I-I th-think so." She took a few moments to catch her breath until she looked up at Mohammad. "Why would you transport us to an ocean? You know that I can't swim."

"Hey, I didn't know we were gonna end up in the middle of water. I was trying to save our asses from blue face psycho magee. Also, you're welcome for me saving your life."

Meagan was surprised. "What?"


Meagan and Mohammad kept arguing with each other and Zelda got fed up with them. "Will you two shut up and figure out how we're going to get to the coast!"

Just as the two began to retort, they noticed Zelda pointing to the sandy banks of land that was only a quarter of a mile away. "Holy shit we're that close?" Ian and Link rolled their eyes with how clueless Mohammad was. "Don't worry guys. I'll get us there with my mind." Meagan gripped the iceberg best she could along with the others. Why did I ever find him attractive? He's such a dip shit. The ice started to have a red glow and instantaneously started to dart toward the shore. The wind was whipping through everyone's hair. Ian's heart was racing with the thought that he would fly off of their ice raft. After what seemed like an eternity of fear and paranoia, they eventually made it to the coast.

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? You couldn't have warned us?"

"Oh shut up Link. We're here right? So what's the problem?"

"Hey man, not only did you not warn us, but we were on freakin' block of ice that was melting by the way!"

"It was all I could think of to do when it came to rafts!"

"So you're telling me that the son of one of the most powerful warlocks could only make an iceberg as a raft?"

"Yeah, that's precisely what I'm saying. Just to remind you, I am still learning how to use this power. My father never taught me and since he ex-communicated me seven years ago, it's not exactly like I should be expecting a change of heart in him and give me a few pointers."

Link and Mohammad continued arguing until Ian stepped up and shoved them away from each other. "Will you two just shut up!" The two boys ceased their drama and looked at the Hylian prince. Meagan and Zelda's attention were given as well fore they have not really seen Ian's angry personality as much. "Look, we are in the middle of no where in a world we have no recognition of. Standing here and bickering with each other will not help us figure out what this place is and how to get out later. So just shut the fuck up and let's get a move on!" Everyone agreed not daring to argue with him. Meagan noticed that everyone's ears were not pointy anymore as well as her own when she felt hers. That's weird. They climbed the sand dunes to find a black road cutting through the land.

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