3. Chapter Three.

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King Liam's Pov

As I stood in the grand chamber of the castle, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Layla. All leads to find Layla traced back to that infamous mafia leader, Dimitri, which had left me stunned and shaken for the second time around.

I couldn't fathom how my sweet daughter had ended up entangled with such a dangerous man. But I knew one thing for certain: I would not let her remain in his clutches any longer.

My heart had shattered into pieces upon learning about her being poorly treated by my ex-wife and the way I had neglected her and turned my back on her. The pain of realizing that my own neglect as a father might have pushed her away weighed heavily on my soul.

The knowledge of Layla's suffering from my ex-wife, ignited a fierce fire within me. I was determined to rescue Layla and bring her back to the safety of the castle, no matter the cost. I would face Dimitri, that vile mafia leader, and all his criminal forces if it meant freeing my daughter from their clutches.

The memories of my past mistakes haunted me, reminding me of the times I had been too focused on the affairs of the kingdom and had neglected the needs of my daughters. The guilt gnawed at me, knowing that I had played a part in pushing Layla towards the arms of a dangerous man.

But there was no time for self-pity or dwelling on the past. Layla's safety was my top priority. I couldn't let my regrets and guilt cloud my judgment now. Instead, I had to be the father she needed—a protector, a guiding light in this darkness.

With the support of my loyal men and advisors, we were currently and secretly devising a plan to confront Dimitri and his criminal empire. The kingdom rallied behind me, knowing that rescuing Princess Layla was not just a duty as their king but also an act of love for a beloved member of their royal family.

"Layla," I whispered her name, feeling the warmth of fatherly love surge through me. "I will bring you back safely. I swear it." I said turning to face my men.

"I cannot let my daughter endure this any longer," I spoke with a determined tone. "We must find a way to reach her, to bring her back to the castle."

My advisors nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. Together, we brainstormed ways to approach Dimitri and get my daughter back at all cost. The safety of the kingdom and its people was paramount, but my daughter's life was irreplaceable.

Images of her radiant smile and laughter filled my thoughts, but they were tainted by the worry and fear that had taken hold of my heart after remembering about her close relationship with the dangerous mafia leader, Dimitri. The thought of them being together gave me haunting chills. No not my Layla.

A thousand thoughts swirled in my mind, and I considered every possible approach. I needed to be careful, cunning even, in order to outmaneuver the cunning mafia leader. The kingdom's well-being depended on my actions, but Layla's safety and happiness were equally crucial.

I knew that direct confrontation would only put Layla at greater risk. Dimitri was cunning and ruthless, and we needed a carefully calculated approach.

Perhaps a diplomatic overture, a negotiation, could be attempted. We could offer something of value in exchange for Layla's freedom, something that would entice Dimitri to release her willingly.

As I looked around the room, I saw a mix of raised hands and furrowed brows. Each of my trusted advisors had valid points, and their concern for Princess Layla's safety was evident in their eyes.

"I understand what you're saying, but negotiating with criminals shouldn't be our only course of action," one of my trusted men said. "They are cunning, and they'll try to kill us the moment we let our guard down. Right now, they must be setting a trap for us after you warned Dimitri, sir. I think we should show them we mean war."

"But fighting could put Princess Layla's life in danger," countered another advisor. "It's best we negotiate first and then take action if they don't listen to us. We have the upper hand, and they'll be afraid of coming under attack and having everything they have to risk exposed to everyone. They'll be willing to comply. He listened to us the first time didn't he?" The other said.

"They are ruthless men, they will never comply," argued a third advisor. "A simple ambush and all our men will be dead. Negotiating with criminals could somehow have information leaked to the public, linking Princess Layla with a mafia man. Making it worse is that you negotiated with criminals, that's very bad publicity for our royals. We don't want Princess Layla's name being dragged through tabloids. We should attack and execute! Hit them when they are not looking."

I sighed after hearing them go back and forth; they all had good points to make.

"Show of hands to who thinks it's best to negotiate first?" I questioned.

Only a few of my advisors raised their hands, while the others remained hesitant.

"All hands for those who we should attack first?" I questioned.

Majority of my men held up their hand, and we could see the final decision. The tension in the room was palpable as the weight of our choice settled upon us.

"So it's final, we'll be attacking first." I said. "Now that we've decided it's time to decide on a plan on how we decide to attack and get back my daughter."

With a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility, I acknowledged the gravity of our decision to launch an attack. It was now essential to shift our focus to crafting a strategic plan that would maximize our chances of success while minimizing the risks to both our troops and my beloved daughter's safety.

Gathering my key advisors and military commanders in the war room, I looked around the table, knowing that the lives of many rested in our hands. "We must act swiftly and decisively," I began. "The clock is ticking, and every moment counts."

"We should exploit their supply lines," one of the commanders suggested. "If we can disrupt their logistics, it could create an advantage for our forces."

"Absolutely," another officer added. "And we should consider launching diversionary attacks on their flanks to draw their attention away from our main objective."

As the ideas flowed, we refined and molded them into a comprehensive plan. One that would strike with precision, overwhelming Dimitri and his men while keeping my daughter's safety at the forefront of our minds.

The room filled with brainstorming and spirited discussions, each voice adding a new dimension to the evolving strategy.

"It's only a matter of time before Dimitri comes to his demise, and I get my daughter back," I vowed silently in the depths of his mind. The pulsating fury building within me was a force to be reckoned with.

Soon, very soon.


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