27. Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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I awoke to the gentle sensation of sweet kisses, akin to the softest whispers of affection, trailing lovingly across my cheek. A warm and contented smile tugged at my lips, as familiarity set in, recognizing that tender touch as Dimitri's.

His morning affection, delivered with a devotion as timeless as the dawn, had become a cherished ritual, a daily reminder of the deep and profound love we shared.

As my eyelids fluttered open, there he was, my sanctuary and muse, Dimitri, his eyes locking onto mine with a tender gaze that had the magical power to make my heart skip a beat.

His lips met mine in a lingering kiss, a delicate fusion of warmth and love, as if he were pouring the very essence of devotion into my soul. Each morning began with this exquisite ritual, an intimate overture of our shared love story, I wish this moment would never go away.

In that moment, wrapped in the arms of the man I adored, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the love that enveloped me, like a cozy blanket on a crisp winter morning.

Our love was a tapestry woven from countless shared moments, and each day, Dimitri added a new thread to the ever-expanding, beautiful design of our life together.

And then, as the sun's gentle rays bathed our room in a soft, golden glow, I glanced over to see our precious Demitrius, our bundle of joy and future, nestled in his father's strong and loving embrace.

My heart swelled with love and happiness, and I couldn't help but smile even wider, for our family was the living embodiment of love's most beautiful poetry.

"You're finally home," I whispered, my voice carrying a blend of relief and disbelief.

In a swift and sudden turn of events, I got up with an abrupt gasp, taken aback by the unexpected sight before me. Everything from yesterday now flooding back to me.

"H-how are you even here?" I questioned, my voice a mix of astonishment and confusion. It was as if I had been living in a surreal dream, and now reality had taken a curious twist.

Had I been trapped in a nightmare before, my mind conjuring a harrowing scenario where Dimitri was locked up, bound for the cold, unforgiving walls of a prison?

"I thought you were...." My words trailed off, unable to complete the sentence, as if I feared that voicing my darkest apprehensions might somehow make them real.

"Yes," Dimitri responded, his voice emerging like a soothing melody that made me gasp in amazement. "You don't have to worry about it, Rena. I wouldn't stay in there another hour away from my favorite people." His words painted a smile on my face, as if the sun had broken through a heavy storm.

"But how did you get out?" I inquired, a veil of puzzlement shrouding my thoughts. I was well aware of Dimitri's checkered past, and the notion of his sudden release was as enigmatic as it was heartwarming.

"I have connections, Rena," he admitted, "plus I had a little help from your father this time. Currently, my track record shows I'm clean of anything. Which means I'm no longer a criminal. I wanted to make things right for you." His words resonated with sincerity and the desire to mend his past mistakes, and I couldn't help but smile, knowing that the man I loved was now on a path toward redemption, all for the sake of our future.

Thank you, daddy dearest.

Dimitri's eyes held a mischievous twinkle as he responded, "I missed you both," his voice filled with the warmth of genuine emotion, "and I have a surprise for both of you."

My curiosity soared at the mere mention of a surprise. "A surprise? What is it?" I questioned eagerly, unable to contain my excitement. My eyes were fixated on Dimitri's, filled with a yearning to uncover the delightful secret he had in store for us.

Dimitri leaned down, his lips tenderly grazing my forehead in a loving gesture. "It's a surprise. Get dressed, and I'll explain on the way. It's a few hours' drive."

On the bed, Dimitri had thoughtfully arranged a fresh set of clothes for me, their neat presentation a testament to his careful planning.

I wasted no time, swiftly getting a shower before donning the attire he had laid out, choosing a combination that balanced practicality with a touch of style, a reflection of our unspoken pact to always be prepared.

My feet found a snug haven in a pair of sturdy boots, and I delicately brushed a loose strand of hair away from my face, ensuring I was ready for the adventures and revelations that lay ahead.

Dimitri awaited my emergence, his tall and commanding presence accentuated by an unmistakable air of authority that clung to him like a second skin. As I approached, his nod of approval spoke volumes, reassuring me in the silence.

With his characteristic composure, Dimitri didn't rush; he moved with a measured sense of purpose. He took my hand firmly in his as we departed the grand mansion. He didn't even give me a second answer anyone of his family

Without a need for words, Dimitri guided me into his jeep, ensuring that I was comfortably seated. His practiced hands then turned their attention to Demetrius in the backseat, meticulously securing his safety.

I observed him as he answered a flurry of calls, and I could almost sense Verona's fiery voice the moment he picked up. Dimitri, on the other hand, responded to her in rapid Italian, leaving me puzzled.

What caught my attention was that all of his conversations were happening in Italian. It left me perplexed, as I wondered what the reason behind this secrecy could be.

Our journey unfurled seamlessly, punctuated by casual conversation and brief interludes for sustenance and rest. Dimitri and I exchanged words about everyday matters, recounting our experiences, and sharing cherished, quiet moments.

At one juncture, the rhythmic hum of the car lulled me into a peaceful slumber, and I surrendered to a gentle nap.

It was only the gentle touch of Dimitri's hand on my shoulder that roused me from my dreams. Blinking in the soft, warm embrace of the afternoon sun, I met his smiling gaze. "We've reached our destination," he declared, and the mystery of our surprise loomed closer, pulling back the curtain on the next chapter of our shared adventure.

Gazing out of the car window, I was greeted by the sight of another breathtaking residence, this one perched majestically by the sea, offering a tranquil and secluded sanctuary.

In our lives enmeshed within the complex world of organized crime, these hidden gems were our well-guarded secrets, refuges where we could momentarily escape the intricacies of our existence.

With utmost care, I unfastened Demitrius from his car seat, an evident wave of excitement coursing through me. Holding our precious child in my arms, I stepped out of the vehicle and found myself in the beauty of our surroundings.

The house by the sea seemed like a secret paradise, and I couldn't help but be filled with a profound sense of awe.

Dimitri joined me, and my enthusiasm overflowed. "It's incredible, Dimitri! Are we vacationing here?" I inquired, my eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement, eager to uncover the purpose behind this enchanting destination.

Dimitri's smile radiated a deep sense of contentment, his eyes mirroring the tranquility of this place. "No, this is actually our home. This is a sanctuary, a place where we can come to escape, just the three of us."

With Demitrius cradled in my arms, we strolled through the property, savoring the breathtaking view of the sea and immersing ourselves in the profound peace that surrounded us.

The understanding that this place was our well-kept secret refuge, a haven to shield us from the deafening world we inhabited, or mostly just Verona, filled me with a profound sense of gratitude and tranquility.

I watched as a few more cars pulled up with luggage's.

"We'll be staying here from now on," Dimitri revealed, his words widening my eyes in astonishment. This hidden paradise was no longer just an escape, it was our own home!

No wonder why he was so discreet.

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