12. Chapter Twelve.

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My eyes blinked open in the darkness, the quiet of the late-night wrapping around me. Beside me, Dimitri lay, his rhythmic breathing a soothing backdrop. I felt a mixture of contentment and exhilaration from the night we had shared.

In a deliberate attempt not to disrupt his peaceful sleep, I gingerly extracted myself from the bed, treading lightly to avoid any unnecessary noise. My gaze fell upon the towel, which Dimitri had thoughtfully dropped on the floor after he had been the one to remove it during our shared intimate moments.

Retrieving the towel, I wrapped myself in its soft embrace, a modest shield that covered my form, preserving a hint of modesty for my near-naked body underneath it.

I glanced back at Dimitri, his features softened in sleep. My heart swelled with a mixture of affection and something more complex, something that still eluded definition.

As I padded down the hallway in the dimness, my mind was consumed by the encounter that had unfolded earlier. The memory of the stranger behind the cell haunted me, urging me to help him even at this late hour. My steps were silent as I reached the door to the room where the mysterious man had been held captive.

Pushing the door ajar, I stepped into the room, shrouded in shadows. The air seemed to thicken with secrets and disgusting scent as I entered, and I took a moment to let my eyes adjust to the darkness.

With a small offering in hand, a piece of food I had gathered from the kitchen, I extended it towards him.

With an urgency that hinted at the brink of survival, he implored, "Water, please," his plea resonating as though every passing second might seal his fate.

I have distinct recollections of finding myself in a similar situation as his, marked by my innocence. Although I didn't undergo the exact form of severe treatment that he experienced, I was nonetheless confined, similar to being held captive by circumstances beyond my control.

Quickly finding the bowl nearby, I filled it with the water, placing it within his reach. As he gratefully drank, a glint of gratitude sparkled in his eyes. "Your kindness is very different from the people in this place," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with both relief and admiration.

"It's important to mention that your previous connections with this mafia make it unclear whether you're innocent or not." I pointed out.

Before the conversation could deepen further, a sudden creaking of the door shattered the moment, and my eyes widened in disbelief as an unexpected turn of events unfolded.

Unexpectedly, Dimitri's voice cut through the stillness, startling me as my heart fell through my chest, "Curiosity can lead us down unexpected paths."

I stood there staring at him at the doorway, his expression deceptively calm. His eyes, however, showed a complete opposite of emotions that he didn't want me to see, emotions that betrayed the fury he held within.

My heart raced as realization hit me-he had somehow woken up and trailed me without making a sound, catching onto my intentions.

In response, Dimitri raised his hand, and a gasp tore from my lips as I watched in absolute shock and horror. Dimitri pulled the trigger, the gunshot shattering the stillness. The man fell, lifeless, the act chillingly swift and calculated. And all the while, Dimitri's gaze remained locked onto mine, unwavering.

My hand was in his grip now, his fingers holding onto me with a fierce intensity. Without breaking eye contact, he guided me away from the scene and towards the doorway.

Trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief, my voice quivered as I posed the haunting question, "W-why did you kill him?" My gaze remained fixed upon Dimitri, as I remembered the scene that sent shivers down my spine.

Dimitri's voice carried a tense edge, laden with a blend of frustration and concern, as he retorted to my inquiry. "Rena," he uttered with a controlled intensity, his eyes revealing a complex mix of emotions.

"Why are you in a place you're not supposed to be?" His words held a weight of admonishment, a notable tension underlying his query. "Why would you venture into a place clearly off-limits, clad only in a towel, with little to nothing underneath?" His tone, marked by strained restraint, conveyed not only his exasperation but also his worry for my well-being in a scenario that defied both logic and reason.

"I-I didn't mean to invade your privacy," I could only pathetically managed to say, my voice a blend of vulnerability and regret.

His conversation with a few men standing outside was brief and to the point, commanding, their presence an unsettling reminder of the world he belonged to.

As my mind whirled with shock, I found my voice, the words trembling as I inquired again. "W-why did you kill him? And why was he in there? Is there something your not telling me?" I managed, unable to comprehend the abrupt, deadly turn of events.

His response came swiftly, laced with a mixture of his own astonishment and something darker. "Why would you betray me? What could've been your reason for coming here in the first place? And not only did you come here once but fucking twice!" His voice was a blend of accusation and disbelief, a question he seemed to be asking himself as much as me.

"I-I did not betray you," I protested, my voice catching on the edge of uncertainty.

"Lo giuro sulla mia vita, se tu non fossi l'amore della mia dannata esistenza e portassi in grembo nostro figlio, farei in modo che ti pentissi di ogni piccola mossa sconsiderata, Rena!"

(I swear on my life, if you weren't the love of my damn existence and carrying our child, I'd make sure you regretted every bit of this reckless move, Rena!)

I observed as Dimitri's fury boiled over, his hand colliding forcefully with the wall in an eruption of anger. In that instant, it became painfully clear that I had committed a grave mistake.

"Why the fuck would you put yourself in a situation that could harm both you and our baby, Rena?" Dimitri's harsh question cut through the air, his frustration evident as my gaze involuntarily shifted to his hand, now marred with blood from the impact.

His anger, directed at me, was an emotion I had never witnessed from him before. The unfamiliarity of his rage, specifically aimed at me, caused my lips to tremble and tears to pool in my eyes.

A deep sense of regret overwhelmed me, knowing that I had been the cause of his ire. I couldn't help but sniffle, a gesture that seemed to catch his attention as his gaze softened upon noticing my actions, my hand absently rubbing my growing tummy.


"Because what, Rena? I know you're smarter than to let someone deceive and manipulate you!" Dimitri's voice rose sharply, causing my lower lip to jut out in a pout as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Do you even realize that he played a part in putting you in a coma?" Dimitri's words struck like a blow, his frustration evident. "Do you fucking know that he had a hand in you being induced into a coma?" I glanced away, my cheeks burning with embarrassment for my foolish actions.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks: I had fallen for his deception. The truth was painfully clear-he had been manipulating me all along.

As Dimitri turned to walk away, I reached out, my fingers desperate to grasp his hand, but he swiftly shrugged off my touch.

"Dimitri," I whispered, my voice laden with a mix of regret and longing, but his steps didn't falter.

Feeling utterly drained, both emotionally and physically, I walked back into my room and climbed into bed, allowing my tears to flow freely.

I lay there, my eyes blurred with tears, the weight of his departure heavy on my heart. The absence of Dimitri was a harsh reminder of the consequences of my foolish actions, and it left me drowning in a sea of regret.


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