17. Chapter Seventeen.

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My father had given me an ultimatum, a cruel choice that tore at the fabric of my being. How could he even entertain such a thought? The weight of his words was a heavy burden on my heart, and tears blurred my vision as the weight of his demand settled in.

It was in that moment of vulnerability that Dimitri, the love of my life and the father of my child, came to my side, his touch a gentle balm against the pain.

Beside me, Verona's anger simmered like a tempest. She was livid at my father for callously thrusting me into such distress, especially during a time as delicate as my pregnancy.

Dimitri was going to reply to my dad, but I stopped him. I could tell Dimitri was mad, even though he looked calm on the outside. Like everyone else, he was hiding his anger. But I felt hurt because my own dad said something really sickening to me.

"I can't have an abortion," I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of emotion. "An abortion at almost nine months pregnant-it's deadly, and I could never bring myself to harm my own baby." The words were a declaration of my unwavering commitment, even though the pain of uttering them was almost unbearable.

The word abortion left a bitter taste in my mouth. He wanted me to kill his own grandchild, what kind of heartless monster is he?!

Tears flowed freely, a testament to the heartache that consumed me. I knew the decision I had to make was impossible, a choice between two paths that both held unthinkable consequences. But even in the midst of my anguish, I couldn't suppress my conviction.

"You can just leave!" The words emerged with a blend of sorrow and defiance. It was a plea, a command, a heart-wrenching sentiment driven by the turmoil that my father's ultimatum had ignited within me.

Just as the tremors of my emotions threatened to pull me under, a voice called out, piercing the dream that had taken hold of me.

Suddenly, I found myself jolted awake, the edges of the dream slipping away like mist in the morning sun. Before me stood Dimitri, his expression etched with concern, his presence a stark contrast to the distorted reality that had just held me captive.

"Dimitri?" My voice trembled, a fragile utterance laced with the remnants of the emotions that had plagued my dream. His presence was a lifeline, pulling me from the depths of the unsettling reverie.

His hand found mine, his touch gentle yet steadfast. "Rena," his voice was a soothing murmur, a beacon of calm in the midst of my storm. "You're safe. It was just a dream."

Tears marked my cheeks, an extension of the heartache that had lingered even after I had emerged from the dream. I blinked, my vision adjusting to the dim light, and met Dimitri's gaze-a steadfast anchor against the disorienting tide of my thoughts.

A blend of relief and gratitude surged within me. "Dimitri," I murmured, my voice carrying the remnants of the turmoil that had seized me in the dream. My heart still raced, the echo of my father's demand a haunting refrain.

As if attuned to the tempest within, Dimitri's arms enfolded me, offering solace in the embrace. Tears continued to flow, but now they mingled with the warmth of his presence-a counterbalance to the ache that my dreams had stirred.

His fingers brushed my hair in a gesture of understanding. "Let it out, Rena. I'm here."

And so, in the sanctuary of Dimitri's arms, I allowed the tears to fall freely-an acknowledgement of the weight of my father's ultimatum, of the uncertainty that lay ahead.

As the tears subsided, I met Dimitri's gaze, my vision unclouded despite the remnants of my distress. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice delicate yet sincere.

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