Chapter 7

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The day had finally arrived, the spelling bee contest! Y/N's stomach was in knots as they took their seat among all the other competitors. They were so nervous, but also so determined to win.

All around them, the other students were preparing their minds and bodies for the competition. After a few minutes, the buzz around the room calmed down, and the host of the spell bee approached the microphone.

"Welcome everyone to the annual spelling bee contest!

As the crowd settled, the host of the contest cleared their throat and began to speak into the mic.

"As you all know, today we will be testing your ability to spell various words correctly," they said. "You will have the chance to either choose from a list of words I am about to present, or you can try to spell a word of your own.

"To ensure fair play, I will be holding a raffle to select the first student. Good luck to you all, and may the best speller win!"

As the host finished speaking, the crowd applauded loudly. Then, the host announced the winner of the raffle:

"And the first student to start will be... Y/N."

Y/N's heart began to pound as they made their way on stage. They were filled with excitement, determination, and a little bit of fear. After all, they were the first to start, so everyone's eyes were on them at the moment.

"Alright, Y/N, the first word on your list is 'defenestration'. Can you please spell it correctly for us and advance to the next round?"

The crowd let out a collective gasp, the word being one of the more difficult ones on the list. Y/N's heart began to race as they tried to recall the spelling. Did they remember correctly, or were they going to make the first mistake of the spelling bee?

After a few moments, Y/N cleared their throat and began to spell out the word:


The crowd sat in tense silence, holding their breath as they waited for the judges to make their decision. Thankfully, the judges signaled that Y/N had spelled the word correctly and allowed them to move on to the next round.

"Whew!" Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as they made their way back to their seat. They had survived the first round, but they knew the next few rounds would not be so easy.

"And the next word you have on your list is 'serendipity'," the host announced. "Can you please spell it correctly and move on to the next round?"

Y/N's heart jumped in their chest once more as they remembered the difficult word. They knew they needed to spell it correctly to move forward in the spelling bee, so they couldn't afford to make a mistake.

After a few deep breaths, Y/N began to spell "s-e-r-e-n-d-i-p-i-t-y".

Y/N let out a sigh of relief as the judges once again signaled that they had spelled the word correctly.

"Well done, Y/N! You've moved onto the next round," the host announced, as the crowd cheered.

Y/N took a moment to calm their nerves before they looked down at their list and found their next word:

"The next word you have on your list is 'palaver', can you please spell it correctly for us and move on to the next round?"

Y/N took a moment to remember the spelling of the word before beginning.

"P-a-l-a-v-e-r. Palaver."

The judges nodded, indicating that Y/N had spelled the word correctly. They let out a sigh of relief as they looked down at their list of spelling words. The words were getting harder now, and it was getting more difficult to come up with the right spelling. They had to be extra careful now if they wanted to make it all the way to the end and win the spelling bee.

Y/N stared down at their list of words, trying to find their next one. The nerves were starting to creep up again, and it felt like their heart was racing. They had to find their next word soon, or else they would risk losing their spot in the spelling bee. Fortunately, they found a word they recognized:

"The next word on your list is the word 'flammable.' Can you remember how to spell it correctly and advance to the next round?"

After a few moments, Y/N spoke up:


Y/N froze for a moment, realizing that they couldn't remember how to spell 'flammable'.

As the host waited for an answer, Y/N's heart began to race, their eyes darting down at their list. They couldn't seem to find the word they were looking for, and they began to panic.

After a few tense moments, Y/N finally spoke up once more:

"Umm... I'm sorry, I... I can't remember how to spell f-la..." Y/N trailed off in frustration, wondering if this error had cost them the spelling bee.

The host waited patiently for an answer, but Y/N remained silent. They didn't know how to spell 'flammable', and it seemed like their fate in the spelling bee was sealed.

Soon, the host broke the silence:

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but if you can't spell 'flammable'... then unfortunately, you cannot advance to the next round."

The crowd let out a collective gasp, as Y/N's heart broke as well. They couldn't believe they were out of the spelling bee already, all over one simple mistake.

The last words the host said rang in Y/N's head as they walked away from the stage. They couldn't believe that they had let their nerves get the best of them and lost the spelling bee because of one word. As they sat down in their seat, all they could think about was how close they had been to victory. But, fate was cruel that day, and the spelling bee had ended before it had even began.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm their nerves. It was all over now, and they just had to accept defeat.

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