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The devil, or now Gerard, exited the room. I sat on the bed, still confused and a little nauseated. Sitting awkwardly I wondered, why was I not afraid of this man? Shouldn't I be afraid of the devil?
The door opened and Gerard entered again. He tossed me a red garmet. I caught it in my hands and looked at it. It was a dress, long sleeves and red lace over red silk. The dress was long and flowing. I was never fond of dresses but could I really argue?
"The rest is in the bathroom. Feel free to bathe and groom as you please. Once you're finished I will have someone escort you to breakfast."
I nodded as he looked me up and down. Now that I got a good look at him when I wasn't panicking and covered in blood, he was really beautiful. Darn those devilish good looks. You would think that the devil was a really decrepit creature, like of those in the movies, but he was very much like human. Except for his brilliant red eyes.
He turned and exited again, so I got up and went to the bathroom.
I realized that when he meant "other things in the bathroom" he meant lingerie that matched the dress. At first I rolled my eyes as it was humerous, then I panicked again. Why would I need to wear lingerie? This wasn't some fucked up sex slave situation, he said he was freeing me right?
I put the stuff on anyways as it gave me another layer of protection from thriving demons and whatever else lurked in, well hell. I found it creepy how everything fit. Where did he even get this stuff?
I tried restraining my messy hair behind my ears and momentarily admired how nice the dress was. Then I excited the bathroom, scared to death ahain when the butler stood by the door.
"This way my lady," he bowed and stepped out of the room. I followed through familiar hallways as we made our way to breakfast I think.
I smelled the aroma instantly, my stomach growling in agreement. Eventually, we made our way into a huge kitchen. The surprising thing was that the while entitle left wall was window, and it was insanely bright. Isn't hell dark and covered in flames?
Gerard sat at a marble counteron a stool, sipping what smelled like coffee and reading a book.
That's hot. Wait, no.
I shook my head, this is the fucking devil. God forgive me.
I stepped forward and he looked back at me, a gentle smile on his face. "You look nice Miss Valentine."
I swallowed and nodded in thanks. He gestured for me to sit next to him as he pulled out a stool. I sat in it, not really willing to argue today. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you want anything to drink? Coffee, tea, water, juice, anything?"
I shrugged, "Coffee please. Just plain." He nodded as a woman appeared in the kitchen, her hair long and blonde, her eyes red and skin pale. She was tall and even taller in her six inch heels. She wore a black, long sleeved dress that fit her body down to her waist. She was pretty to say the least.
"So, uh, aboutme being the Grim Reaper...?"
The woman suddenly dropped something and made me jump, Gerard remained passive.
"You will be sent home today. Next time try avoiding demons and we won't have to risk your skin again." He sounded frustrated as he returned to his coffee and book.
I turned to him, "Listen, I know nothing about this. I need answers. What does this mean? Can I hurt you? Do I hurt people?"
Gerard laughed, running a hand through his hair. "You know the slightest about your job don't you." He shook his head. "It's not my job to inform you. To tell you the truth, I'm supposed to kill you. I just don't have the courage to kill a girl so clueless. You're a child of god, why don'tyou ask him?"
I swallowed. Kill me? God? Oh god, not God but just god. "How am I supposed to do that?" I nodded the the blonde and she served me a plate of food and coffee. She seemed scared sort of, was it the reaper thing?
"Just ask. I bet he's not happy with your situation." He looked at me and shook his head, as if disagreeing with his own thoughts. "Just stay out of trouble. Eat and then we can go."

After I ate, we left.
Gerard laughed as we got into a sleek, black limo. "Oh sugar, we're not in hell." I sat in the limo next to him, confused and nervous. I thought so, it was too normal.
"What about the women in the basement?" I glared at him, "What will happen to them."
Gerard glared back at me as he slid of some sunglasses, "Do you really want to know?"
You're going to kill them.
I shook my head and kept to myself as we drove on.
After about two hours of driving, gentle piano music playing throughout the vehicle, I grew restless.
"Where are we and where are we going?"
Gerard turned to look at me from the window, "I'm taking you to one of my apartments in Oregon. You'll be safe there."
I frowned and my stomach sank. I thought I was free? "You said you would free me?" I figured I shouldn't trust the devil.
He nodded, "You are. I just want to make sure you're safe. They know about you now. You need to know about yourself before they get to you."
I looked out the window in order to calm myself down, "Who is they?"
Just before Gerard could answer, the limo came to a screeching halt, blood splattering all over.

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