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After Mikey was figuring out how to fix this crazy ass, weird ass world he decided to make a plan. Mikey was just laying on his bed, watching the white ceiling.

"I wish I can talk to Hazuari".

As so as Mikey said that, a bright light suddenly appeared out of nowhere, confused, Mikey was ready to see who it was, but was surprised to see who it was.


"Oh, hey, Manjiro".


"Well, upon you saying my name, I was summoned".

"That easily?".

"Yep, so, what's wrong?"

"Well, before I ask you anything, do you have anything to tell me, before I do very stupid?"

"Well, before I pushed you into the portal, I was supposed to tell you a few things, but I guess I forgot, sorry about that".

"Spill it".

"Okay, first, you have the power to change how you want to see the world, like, if you want to make a gang in this world, it wouldn't change anything".

"So, if I make a gang, nothing would change in the future?"

"Nope, next, you kinda have the powers to go in the past".

"Oh, sounds interesting".

"And lastly, you have the powers to see into your different versions of yourself from your first life"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, that's no point in trying to hide it".

"Well, in your first life, when you were in Toman, your friend, Takemichi had the powers to go into the past, that's why he was able to predict what was going to happened, but everytime he changed something in the past, it would affect the future, so, if for example, if Draken died and he would try to save him, it would completely change the future and so, in the timeline, where you killed Takemichi on the building was your Bonten version of yourself.

Mikey was shocked, that, first of all, that his friend that such an ability, and was just trying to protect his friends and his girlfriend. And second of all, that he was gifted with such an ability.

"Hey Hazuari, does any of the abilities have any side affects?"

"The only side affect you would have is when you use your powers to change the world, you might have headaches and shortness of breath, so be careful of how much you use the power.

"Okay, I think I have a grasped on it, thanks Hazuari".

"Your welcome, Manjiro".

"Hey Hazuari, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead".

"Can you stray here with me?"

Hazuari was shocked, but soon realized that during the period, that he has known and watched Mikey, that he truly cares and wants to protect Mikey.

"Sure, I might have a way to stay, but you might have to wait until the morning".

"REALLY, oh, thank you Hazuari, I really appreciate your help".

"Your welcome, now go to sleep, we have a big day tommorrow."

Mikey and Hazuari have bonded closer together

Mikey and Hazuari have bonded closer together

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This is god of reincarnation Hazuari

Reincarnated Into Another World?! (AllMikey) AuWhere stories live. Discover now