Akimitsu, who's that!?

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After Mikey and Hazuari got ready, Mikey went out the door to see if anyone was home and found everyone in the kitchen.

"Good morning guys".

"Good morning mikey/manjiro/mikey-kun".

Mikey was ready to put his plan in motion

"Hey guys".

Everyone stopped eating and looked at Mikey.

"What's up Mikey?"

"Okay Mikey, you can do this".

"I know thus might sound strange and weird, but I want you to meet someone".

Everyone looked at Mikey confused, but waiting to meet this "person"


Then, a man with short black hair, black eyes and wearing clothes that looks like he was an adventurer or something.

The guys looked at him with dread in their eyes.

"Guys, this is Akimitsu, Akimitsu, this is Shinichiro, Baji, Chifuyu, Draken, Mitsuya and Takemichi".

Shinichiro stuck out his head to greet this "Akimitsu" person

"Hi, I'm Shinichiro, nice t o meet you, Akimitsu".

"Nice to meet you too, Shinichiro".

Well, that didn't want to meet Mikey sad if they didn't get along, but the wonder who this person was , because the last time the checked, they never head a person called Akimitsu, but they'll let it slide for now.

"It was nice to meet you all and I hope we can become good friends".

"It was nice to meet you too Akimitsu".

"Come on Aki-chan, let's go".

"Coming, Mikey"

"Where are you going, Mikey?"

"Oh, sorry, um...Aki-chan and I are going out to eat".

"But, you don't wanna eat with us?'

"I'm sorry Shin-chan, I hope you're not mad".

The boys wee saddened that Mikey didn't want to eat with him, but we can't tell him what to do...YET

"Bye everyone".

After that, Mikey and this Akimitsu disappeared, they don't what to think, who the fuck this person thinks they is to steal their beloved Mikey.

The boys don't want Mikey around this "Akimitsu" person.

(Side note: Hey guys, Rosy here, yes, I know I haven't been updating this story for a while and I'm truly sorry, I know you guys might be mad at me, but don't worry, I'm back and better than ever to finish this story, hope you enjoy it :)

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