The stranger in my bed is Hazuari (in human form)

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As the morning sun rises, the sun peeped through Mikey's window, shining in his eyes. Mikey had woken up, yawned and stretched. When he fully woken, Mikey was looking around to see where's Hazuari, but found someone in his bed. He wasn't shocked nor scared, but just wanted to know who it was.


Mikey said shaking the person up, the person finally woken up, yawning and stretched, looking around the room and finally looked at Mikey.

"Good morning, Manjiro".


"Yep, that's me, what wrong, you seemed shocked".

"OF COURSE I'M SHOCKED, I thought you were a random person who sneaked into my room."

"Also, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you looked different from last night, like you changed your all appearances".

"Oh, well~, if I was going to stay on earth, I gotta look human you know".

"I guess you're right, hey can I asked you a question?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"How many forms do you have, since you changed into your human form."

"I'm glad you asked, this is one of my many forms".

"How many forms do you have?"

"Ten or more, I really didn't count".

"Wait, so you don't know how many forms you have?"

"I'm sorry okay, it's hard to keep up".

"Anyways, how the hell am I supposed to tell everyone this?"

While Mikey was thinking of a plan, Hazuari already had a plan.

"Why don't you tell everyone that we're dating".

Mikey turned to Hazuari so shocked, that his brain stopped thinking.



"What do you what, did you hear yourself dude?"


"No, I'm not doing that, but I CAN tell them that you're my best friend from childhood".

Hazuari was mad at Mikey for not taking his plan, but who can blame Mikey, the cute and invincible Mikey.

"Fine, we'll do it your way, now go get dressed".

Mikey hasn't realized that he was still in his pjs.




Mikey and Hazuari are putting their plan in motion

Sorry for the short chapter

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