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Death Note - Love and Madness

By Tayla Drago

Death Note#31 Transfer

Okay...So we know that Haruka and Ferdie both figured it out and thanks to Near watching over them, that Light Yagami was Kira, slowly Aizawa and Ide were beginning to think of the same thing, and same thing goes for Near too on his end. After Mello told him some of the other details about the Death Note. Now with that new TV show about Kira of Demegawa's doing for the others to break into Near's NPA Task Force HQ building with few of this members with him, how will they get out? For Light thinks he has gotten him for Misa to see and write his name down in the Death Note anytime now. So much people going crazy. Also some of the worshippers 'beloved God Kira'? Oh, please! Also at some airport, Mello watches the whole thing too on TV while eating his bar of chocolate and hiding from the crowd very well.


DEMEGAWA:Fellow Kira supporters! I urge you. Do not rush the building all at once! The traitors may attempt to blend in with the crowd to escape! I am Kira's loyal servant and spokesman! You must listen to me! Find them, pull them up from the building and bring them in front of the cameras! They will be a sacrifice to Kira!

Big crowd being angry, fire, breaking things, and so on going on all over the building. It just won't end. Misa waits to see Near's face to write his real name down any moment now.

MISA:You can't hide from me. I'll find you!

I hate to see what Misa would find out from Light cheating on her because he loves Haruka more than that girl. That would be even scarier.


With Light smiling, he watches to see how everything turns out. While Zen was writing this whole thing down for his next Kira scoop and calling up back at work about this event going on.

Zen: Hello? Boss? This is Zen speaking. You know. Zenimarju Karizaki, the reporter of Kira craziness? This him speaking to you. Are you seeing what's going on right now? It's so mess up, right? I know, dude! Well, prepare for the next story to soon come to you first thing in your email tomorrow morning. This angry mob or Kira worshipper attacking on building with detective N in it.

With that going on for Zen being a bit too happy about it, Light tries telling Near to get out right away. He wants him to do that.

LIGHT:Near, you've got no choice. You'd better evacuate.

Haruka signals Near to say it was a trap in time while still playing the part.

Haruka: Near, listen to me. Get out of there before those Kira worship members tare you apart.

Ferdie: It won't be pretty!

Looks like Near wasn't afraid of this after all even though that he knows that Light's Kira.

NEAR:You've got some nerve to say that, being Kira.

And he still acts like he wasn't.

LIGHT:What?! Are you still going on about that nonsense?! Haruka, can you believe him?

Haruka goes along saying to Near that she will do her best like he would as well secretly to each other.

Haruka: We're a team, Light. We're stopping Kira.

Light: Like I'll ever be that monster! He caused nothing but pain to others and what everyone else has been through.

NEAR:Think about it. With all the anti-Kira groups around, why is it we are being targeted and right after I start suspecting you? Pretty convenient, if you ask me.

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