•Passionate Night•

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As James and Aiden were about to get ready finishing their night from before, they heard a little creek from the door and then realized that the others were peaking.

"We hear you guys!" Aiden shouted.

When they heard Aiden shouted that, they quickly ran away. "Damn it, I was about to record." Ally groaned.

"Don't worry Ally, there can be another time." Lake assured.

"Okay, where were we? Oh, right." James said, he started to smirk at Aiden.

"Why are you smirking at me like that?" Aiden asked, blushing a little.

"Because you look so damn delicious right now baby~" James said this seductively and made Aiden's face blush redder.

James looked around the room and door one last time to make sure no one was watching or interfering with their time of love tonight. "Are you ready now my love? Just tell me if anything hurts alright?" James speaks to Aiden, calmly in his ear. James now began to take off his clothes and threw down across the floor, he was getting hard and slowly rubbing his erection. Aiden saw this and his face was more redder than before. He couldn't even believe he was actually doing this, but he really wanted to sex in his whole life so he was determined to not mess this one up.

"Okay, now it's your turn to take off your clothes love." James said, waiting for Aiden whenever he is ready to take off his clothes.

"O-okay.." Aiden stuttered a bit. And began to take off his clothes slowly... Once he was finished, he tossed them onto the floor and went back looking at James. "You look beautiful my love. Now, let's begin!" James said looking deep into Aiden's eyes. He was wondering what he would do first, should he finger Aiden or eat up? Or perhaps... thrust into him?

"What do you want me to do first my love?" James asked. "Y-you can do whatever you want with me.. I don't really mind hehe.." Aiden shyly said.

"Well alrighty then." So James slowly put his cock inside Aiden's entrance slowly and caused Aiden a loud gasp.

"Hehe, your reactions are so cute Aiden~" James teased and began to thrust into Aiden slowly. Aiden was softly moaning and holding on to James shoulders. "Ah ah~ James~" Aiden moaned.


Ally was secretly hearing the sounds of moans and screams through the door, but then someone came behind her.

"What are you doing Ally?" Asked Tess. "Oh Tess! Hey! I am totally not trying to spy on those two." Ally lied.

"Yeah yeah, anyways, me and Hunter and Lake were wondering if you would like some cheese pizza." Tess asked calmly. "Sure! I would love some pizza." Ally was now walking with Tess downstairs to go get some pizza.

On the other hand, James and Aiden weren't done yet with their sex night. "Oh fuck yeah baby!~ Keep it coming!" James grunted and moaned. "Ah ah!! James! Oh god!~~" They both were moaning and screaming loudly, and that is when the others started to hear them from upstairs.

"Oh.. They are getting real busy huh?" Lake smirked.

"Apparently, way too busy." Hunter spoke taking a bite from his cheese pizza.


James and Aiden panted heavily and were so short out of breath after this intense night of making love.

"So, did you enjoy it baby?" James panted and asked. "Y-yes, thank you." Aiden thanked James and panted as well. James smiled and lay right next to Aiden, hugging him tight. "We can clean ourselves in the morning love, now just rest and relax." James said in a smooth and calming voice. They both slept in each other's arms and this was surely a Passionate Night.

Author's note: Sorry if this was too short, but I'll gladly take requests! I'll try to do more chapters of this week and next week, longer ones too! Stay safe and byee! 💗

Aiden x James Love life❤️ (Disventure Camp)Where stories live. Discover now