||Morning||+ Movie day

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James and Aiden were still asleep while the others were already awake downstairs. All of them heard and made goofy noises from their night session last night. "I can't believe we heard all that!" Ally screamed and blushed embarrassed.

"I can't even believe that Aiden can moan like that!" Hunter added, himself couldn't even sleep because of all of that noise.

"Guys, relax. What if they are hearing us right now? Pff." Tess chuckled a bit.

"Oh please, they banged each other last night, I'm sure they are still asleep." Lake said, putting her hand on her mouth not trying to laugh so hard.

"Well, what do you guys want to do? Wanna head outside, possibly go to the cinema to see some movies later on?" Ally asked excitedly.

"Sure!" They all exclaimed.


After a few hours later, Aiden began to suddenly woke up. He saw that James head was lying on his shoulder and he blushed seeing that their semen was all over the bedsheets. "Uh, James.. wake up. I think I need to change the bedsheets.." Aiden said while blushing a little, also trying to get James off his shoulder.

"H-huh?" James stuttered a bit, beginning to wake up.

"Oh, yeah sure I'll get up for you to change the bedsheets." James tiredly said and got up.


Aiden had finished changing his bed and told James to go get ready to meet the others downstairs. James agreed and went inside the bathroom to clean himself up. Aiden was now fixing his clothes and James to get ready to go out with their friends. (Aiden talked to them earlier on the phone btw)

"James, are you finished now?" Aiden asked behind the bathroom door.

"Yeah, give me a second!!" James yelled. "Okay babe!"

(Meanwhile with the others downstairs)

"HOW THE FUCK YOU WON UNO?!!!!" HUNTER, I'M SUPPOSED TO WIN THIS NOT YOU!!!!" Ally yelled, angrily seeing that she got defeated in Uno.

"Get better. Easy." Hunter calmly replied.

Then Ally began to strangle him, the others quickly grabbed Ally off him and tried to talk to her calmly. "Ally relax! It's just a game." Tess tried to assure her. "I'm supposed to be the winner not him!! Grrr!!!" Ally yelled.

 "I'm supposed to be the winner not him!! Grrr!!!" Ally yelled

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(Basically Ally rn 😭)


(Meanwhile with Aiden and James)

"Oh James! Stop it you!!" Aiden laughed and tackle James right back. "Never!" James replied, tickling Aiden. While the two boys were playing with each other, they heard screaming, and quickly get out of the room and ran downstairs to see who was making all that noise.

"Hey! What's going on?" Aiden asked confused and worried. "Ally is mad because I won fair and square in Uno!" Hunter answered, still backing away from Ally. "Really Ally?" Aiden looked at her, annoyed and sighed.

"Well, I think she's starting to calm down now." Lake said, looking at Ally's face and seeing that her body is beginning to relax itself.

"When are we going out? It's almost 4 pm." Tess asked with also checking the time on her phone. "Let's go out right now!! I need some fresh air anyways." Aiden exclaimed and putting his hands on his hips. Everyone else agreed and head out.

Everyone arrived at the cinema and bought their tickets. Aiden and James decided to go get the popcorn, and Ally and Tess decided to go get the drinks. Hunter and Lake decided to just wait in the movie theater.

"It's been so long since I've went to the movies!!" Lake excitedly said. "How come?" Hunter asked.

"Well.. my parents. They always kept me in the house, and forced me to always studied and I wasn't allowed to always do any social activities.." Lake said all this and her face was now a frown.

Hunter felt bad and put his hand on her back. (⚠️ THIS IS NOT A SHIP!!⚠️) "Everything is now going to be okay Lake! We are all here for you now." Hunter assured her and Lake smiled. "Thank you.." And hugged him right after.

Everyone was now in the movie theater and waiting patiently for the movie to start. Ally had already finished her popcorn. "Uhh, Tess?.. I think I already finished my popcorn hehe.." Ally told Tess embarrassed.

"You can have mine, I'm not feeling that hungry anyway." Tess said, giving away her popcorn to Ally. "Thanks!" Ally gave Tess a kiss on the cheek and this made Tess blush a little.

Aiden and James were cuddling each other and was enjoying the rest of the movie together. "James.. I love you.." Aiden quietly said. "I love you too Aiden, more than anything." They kissed and continued watching back to the movie.


It was now getting dark and almost 8pm, the movie had finished and everyone else left the cinema. "That movie was phenomenal!" Lake happily said and clapped. "I agree." Hunter agreed and smiled.

Tess spotted a dark figure from a distance, and before she can react.. it quickly ran away. "Huh?" She thought to herself. "That was weird.. perhaps I'm just seeing things."

The rest of the group walked back to James house and wanted to sleep there again. "Tonight been great! We watched a movie, eat popcorn and had fun!!" Ally yelled happily. "Yep! Hopefully we can do this again sometime." Aiden happily replied.

Tess and Lake started to feel sleepy so Tess asked if she can sleep on the floor while Lake can sleep on the sofa instead. But Lake didn't want that. So they began arguing about who should sleep on the floor and sofa. 😭😭

"You are little Lake, I should sleep on the floor!" Tess yelled. "No! I should sleep on the floor instead. It's not good for you!" Lake argued back.

"How about you guys just sleep upstairs in me and James bed? We wouldn't mind hehe.." Aiden calmy said to break this argument.

"Okay! That's fine." Lake responded, agreeing what Aiden had said.

Lake and Tess walked upstairs and slept in James and Aiden bed for the time being.

"I'm glad you change the sheets.." James told Aiden quietly, smirking a little. "I'm glad too.." Aiden replied quietly.


After being silent for a whole 2 minutes, suddenly a knock was heard from the door.

(Hey everyone!! It's great to be back in Wattpad again! I know I've been gone for months and not very active and I apologize deeply for that! I've been really busy with school and such I didn't had any time to be writing more stories 😭😭 but now I have motivation to be writing again!! And I missed u all!! So I hope too look forward in writing again and make all of your days better as possible with my stories!! ♥️♥️♥️ Love you all and see you next time!

Aiden x James Love life❤️ (Disventure Camp)Where stories live. Discover now