-Sweet dreams- (18+)

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James closed the door and Aiden knew what was about to happened.

"You weren't actually tired, were you?" Aiden questioned.

"Nah, I'm feeling horny right now."  James replied. "Of course.." Aiden thought.

"Well you better get comfortable for right now mi amor, because this night.. I won't go easy on you." James said this in a sexy but threating voice. Aiden felt nervous but also excited.


"WHAT?! ON THE FLOOR?! Do you guys know who the fuck I am?!" Yul yelled at Aiden parents. "We do and we don't care." Aiden's father responded laying down on the couch.

"Ugh! You know what I am just going home."

"Sure, but there is also a huge thunderstorm outside so you might want to reconsider that." Aiden's mom said to Yul.

"Lies!" Yul walked up to the window and regretted what he said. "Oh." 

"Told ya."


Aiden was scrolling on TikTok looking at random shit on there. He was so bored and wanted to have sex already. "Hey James? I think that I'm ready.." Aiden spoke quietly to James. Still feeling a bit nervous.

"Oh goodie! I have been waiting." James immediately got on top of Aiden and took off his shirt. And his pants. Aiden himself felt wet down there so he also took of his clothing.

"Still look sexy as ever~" James whispered in his ears.

"We should be very quiet, wouldn't want to wake my parents up.."

"Yes yes don't worry about them, only keep your focus on me" James shush Aiden while putting his finger on his mouth. James took of his boxers, and took of Aiden's.. Now it was time. James slowly asserted his cock inside Aiden's wet vagina. It really felt wet and goofy inside, which James has liked. He then was doing some slow thrusts and Aiden tried his best not the moan so loud.

"Ah, ah!~"

"Shhh, easy boy." James licked Aiden's ear, causing him to whimper. Aiden puts his hands onto James back and letting him thrust even more harder but not faster so that Aiden wouldn't moan and scream very loud.

"Do you feel close yet?" James asked still thrusting his love.

"N-not yet, ow!" Aiden squeaked.

"Does it hurt? I am so sorry." James apologize and took his cock out of Aiden.

"No! Do not stop! Keep going!" Aiden yelled, grabbing James cock and asserting it back inside again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Fill me up!"


"Hey do you hear anything?" Aiden's dad asked his wife.


"Hmm, maybe it's in my head then."

James and Aiden were really getting into it and Aiden tried to hold his screams inside but he couldn't and letting out small squeaks instead. He was also getting a bit teary as well.

"It's okay baby! You know that you can cum on me anytime right?"

"I know that but I am not cumming!" Aiden said and moaning in pain.

"I think that we should stop.. Wouldn't really want our stuff on your parents sheets do we?" James spoke to Aiden, Aiden didn't wanted to let his parents find out.

"Fine... I am getting tired anyways." Aiden said falling back to the bed.

"There we go, we can also clean ourselves up in the morning." James tiredly said to his beloved.


"Sweet dreams my love." After that being said, James placed a small kiss on top of Aiden's forehead and went right ahead to sleep.

Aiden x James Love life❤️ (Disventure Camp)Where stories live. Discover now