--In the Car--

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Aiden didn't want to leave, he instead wanted to stay and he still misses his family even after being gone from them only 5 minutes ago. James put his hand on Aiden's shoulder and moved closer to his skunk. "Oh my love, what is with the sad frown?" James asked. "I just miss them James.. that's all."

The two then felt and bump and Aiden gasped. "Yul?! What the hell?" Aiden yelled looking at Yul with his eyebrows raised. "Jeez relax it was just a bump!" Yul assured and kept on driving. Aiden kept silent and put his hands on his lap, looking down and felt tears coming down from his eyes. "Oh baby don't cry.." James hugged his lover and Aiden hugged back. "I love you James.." I love you too sweetheart."

The couple hugged each other and kissed. They were now making out in the car. Yul knew he wouldn't handle the noises he was about to hear so he simply put on his headphones, listening to calming music.


"Ah!~ J-james! Please calm down."


James was licking Aiden's neck and Aiden was moaning softly from this. Aiden felt too embarassed and couldn't do anything else instead of just taking this in. "We are in Yul's car for goodness sake." Aiden quietly said but James didn't care. He wouldn't even fucking care what Yul thinks, Aiden is his and nobody can take him away from James.
But then that is when Yul stopped.

"Yul what's wrong?" Aiden asked looking confused.

"It's a bear.. and I lost gas."

They were now fucked.

All three of them quickly got out of the car and ran away as fast as they can from the grizzly bear. Aiden was feeling so weak in his knees and James saw this, he picked up Aiden and put him behind his back.

"Thanks babe."

"Anything for you love."

James and Yul felt too tired to continuing on running and saw a house nearby, it also looked like it was about to rain as well so they didn't really had any choice but to enter it. As they did Aiden feel a weird feeling in his gut. "Guys..? Are you sure we should be in the house?"

"It's only for the night Aiden. Gosh why you gotta be so scared of almost everything?" Yul said this in annoyance.

James hitted Yul in his stomach. "Actually shut the hell up Yul."

James decided to go downstairs to check for any supplies, Aiden followed.

"It's so dark in here.. how will you see?" Aiden questioned.

"Uhh oh look! A torch." James grabbed the torch on the wall and began walking down along with Aiden.

Meanwhile with Yul, he was searching for things upstairs. He really wanted to go back home and he couldn't really use his phone since it was dead. But wait.. James always have his phone and it is always charged. He might have to ask James if he can get help then. Yul saw something then that caught his eye.

"Hm? What could this be? Pictures?? People?"

Yul was looking carefully at these photos and seeing couple of drawings of them. One of the drawings were a little boy with his mom and dad and baby sister. Another one was a house fire. Then the third one was.. just a black void? All scrambled in black crayon. Yul got so uncomfortable and turn to look at the photos. These photos were all in black in white, Yul picked up these photos and was seeing if there was anything more suspicous of them.. but as he did..


"AH!" Yul screamed.

Aiden and James heard Yul scream and quickly ran back upstairs.

"What's going on?" James asked.

"This stupid lamp just fell and it only startled me." Yul embarrassing said to them. "You really did scared us Yul, please don't scream like that again. Anyways, me and James found some supplies!" Aiden exclamied having a bit joy inside.

"Right, perfect. Okay then.. let us all rest and in the morning we will leave this place immediately." Yul stated. Aiden and James agreed and went to sleep on the floor. Yul was sleeping by himself while Aiden was sleeping on top of James.


By 4:03 AM there was growling noises coming from outside the house. Aiden was awaken by this and rubbed his eyes. As he slowly stand up to look around what was making this noise he walked over to one of the windows, and there he saw the bear. "Oh shit." He thought.

"We got to go! The bear is outside!!"

Yul and James woke up by this and then they all went to the backdoor to escape. They all began running and Yul saw his car? He was yet confused but it didn't matter anyways. As Yul and the others got in, James saw a can of gasoline next to him. "Oh hold on let me fill the car right quick."

"Okay but hurry James!" Aiden yelled.

James is putting much gasoline as he can and as the time he was finished, he heard a growl.. James quickly get back in to the car and told Yul to drive right away. Yul did and safefully the three of them got back on the road.

"God, that was scary!" Aiden worridly said but also glad that they weren't bear food.

"I guess we did a "bearry" good job haha!" James joked and Aiden nudge his elbow.

"Say James, did you had your phone with you?" Yul asked looking back at James.

"Yes, why?"


"W-what? So you had your phone and didn't even bother to use it at all?!" Aiden yelled at him.

"I felt like that I didn't have the need too baby! At least we luckilly made it out there alive right?" James reassured his boyfriend, but Aiden was still looking mad.

"Yeah.. whatever."

James and Aiden finally got home and Aiden slammed the door hard. Yul was pissed but drove off anyways without even saying goodbye.

"Aidy, why so mad?"

Aiden ignored James and opened up the door. James was confused but then he get why, he could have used his phone to ask for help sooner but he just didn't. Aiden went upstairs still feeling exhausted whatever happened today and last night.

"Fine, be that way. I'll be sleeping on the couch until you calm down with me."


Author's note: 😵‍💫😵‍💫😭

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