--A Family Reunion--

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Everyone was asleep, no sounds were heard anymore outside the parents windows. The moon was glowing outside and it reflected a light towards Yul's face. Yul was getting bothered by this and woken up.

"Stop! Stop!" He yelled out. Yul has woken up Aiden's parents and questioning on why he was yelling like at in the middle of the night.

"Yul! What is going on? Why are you yelling?" Aiden's father asked.

"There was somethin glowing on my face!" Yul yelled again.

"Shh, shh, it is has stopped now. No need for anymore yelling." Aiden's mother quietly told Yul. Yul was now back to sleep and the parents sighed and went back to sleep as well.


Daytime finally has arrived. James and Aiden were still asleep in Aiden parents bedroom. James was snoring and holding Aiden as a teddy bear right beside him. He was even drooling. Aiden felt the saliva so he touch James and moved him just a bit.

"Uhh, James? I think that it is morning." He yawned, seeing that the taller man is still asleep.


"AH!" James rolled of the bed and was alarmed by Aiden.

"What has gotten you to yell like that? Jeez!" James angrily spoke.

"Sorry... I just wanted you to wake up that's all.." Aiden apologize, looking a bit ashamed.

"So am I just supposed to wake up whenever you wake up? Hm?" James question Aiden also giving him a stare.

"What? No! Look, I'm sorry that I screamed like that. I won't do it again." Aiden apologize again.

"It's okay Aiden. (Sighs) Anyways, should we go downstairs to get something to eat?"

"Sure!" Aiden exclaimed.

Aiden and James went out of the bed to go get ready, Aiden was first to go into the bathroom and having to let James wait outside.

"Oh why can't we shower together?" James asked confusedly.

"N-no! Just wait out there!" Aiden quickly yelled.

"Fine.." James spoke.


After the boys were done, they head downstairs and to Aiden's surprise he saw his sisters and brother.

"W-what? Sis??.. Bro?!" Haha! I can't believed it." Aiden ran down to greet them and hugged. "Lil bro! We missed you so much after you were gone!" Aiden's sister cried, she hugged Aiden so tight it felt lime that he couldn't breathe.

"Ah ah! Sis I can't breathe!!" Aiden cried out.

"Oh I'm so sorry!!" Aiden's sister let him go and he was panting fast. "Are you okay?!" She asked him looking worried.

"Yes yes, I am fine! Don't worry.." Aiden still was panting and got up to hug her again. "I missed you..." He whispered.

After seeing and meeting his siblings again, Aiden was really happy and couldn't be happier than his whole life. This felt like a true family reunion.

"Ugh! What is all this noise?" Yul said as he got up and walked over to the kitchen.

"Yul! Meet my family!" Aiden exclamied.

"I do not care! Just keep this noise down and let me sleep!" He yelled and walked back to the couch.

"He is such a jerk.." One of Aiden's sister said.

"Don't listen to him.. He is always like that. Anyways, have you guys met James? He's my boyfriend haha!" Aiden pointed at James and James gave a slow wave at Aiden siblings.

"Woah! This is him? He is so handsome! You sure got taste Aiden." Aiden's sister said, elbowing Aiden.

"Hehe, yeah." Aiden chuckled a bit.


It was the afternoon, the family had a dinner party and it was really enjoyable but it couldn't lasted long since Aiden had to leave soon.

"All cheers go to Aiden! He will always be my little boy and I was so happy to see him today. It has been years and this wish has come true for him to come back! I love you Aiden, you will always be in our hearts." Aiden's mom said all this and Aiden was bursting into tears.

"Oh mom.. I love you too!" He hugged his mom and cried into her chest.

Yul was waiting outside for Aiden and James to bring them back home.

"Where the hell are those two? I am waiting!!"

Aiden was busy saying goodbye to everyone but his father, when he finally saw his dad he looked at him, and his father stared back.

"Dad.. Is everything oka-" Before Aiden can finish his sentence his father hugged me and almost becoming teary.

"Ade- Aiden. I am so sorry for mistreating you and I know that I have been such a bad father before. I hope you can forgive me and I never ever blamed you for leaving." His father said this and hugged Aiden even more tighter.

"Oh dad, I love you. Do not apologize. This was my fault for ever leaving remember?"

"No Aiden.. The reason you left is because of me. I want to now make things right."

Aiden and his father hugged each other for about 2 whole minutes and after letting go Aiden gave him another hug. The family saw this and joined in into this embracing moment, even James! They all were in a group hug and Aiden felt so happy. He never have felt this happy before. He wished that this moment could have lasted forever but it couldn't. Now, after that James and Aiden said their last goodbyes one last time.

"Aiden! Promise that you will call!" Called out his mother

"I promise mom."

Aiden and James went inside Yul's car, Yul was relived and quickly droven away.

"I'll miss him" Said Aiden's brother.

"We all will." Responded his sister.


Author's note: GOD IM TIRED LOL

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