Chapter 3: Past Echoes

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-------------- Morning 7'O Clock------------------

Alarm rings....

Ray who was deeply indulged into Sarang's past visuals wake up by the alarm sound.

Halsey who was in hurry to her office asked Ray to have his breakfast and medicines on time.

Ray(While yawning) : Have a good day, Love.

Halsey left the place with a soft smile.

Ray was now able to link all the visuals gradually. Still he was clueless about one incident. He remembered the day when Halsey and him both were coming down the hospital lane and where he discovered a church for the first time. He also felt some different vibes that day. So he decided to visit the church again to seek the answers of his unstated questions.

A quaint, old church standing peacefully in the town.

Ray who was determined, cautiously enters the church.

Father Thomas, the warm-hearted priest, notices Ray's arrival and approaches.

Father Thomas(Kindly):Hello, young man. Can I help you with something?

Ray (Shyly):Um, hi. I... I'm looking for information about someone who used to visit here some time ago.

Father Thomas(Interested):
Ah, I see. Well, this church holds many stories. Who are you searching for?

Ray(Nervously):Her name is Sarang.

Father Thomas(Nods):Sarang Forger, you say? Yes, I remember her. She was a bright and spirited girl. Why are you looking for her, young man?

Ray(In dilemma):We... we were close. I found one letter from her, and I want to know more about her past.

Father Thomas(Sympathetically):
Of course. I understand. I came to know about her recently through her Mom. She often visits this place. She used to share all her secrets with me.I still remember all her confessions, her achievements.

Ray(Eagerly): Do you have any more information about her?

Father Thomas(Thoughtfully):
Sarang was known for her kind nature and love for painting and singing. She was active in the church choir and volunteered in the town's community center to decorate the town with artworks.

Ray(Excited):Wow! That's amazing! Did she have a best friend or someone she was close to?

Father Thomas(Recalling):Yes, she was inseparable from a boy named Lucian. They were like two peas in a pod.

Ray(curious) : Do you know about him?

Father Thomas leads Ray to a small room filled with dusty old books and records.

Father Thomas(Searching):Let's see... Ah, here it is.

He carefully turned the face of canvas and unveiled it by taking out the covered muslin cloth.

''Same bright eyes, those innocent eyes.......Ahaaa........''  uttered Ray.He stood still, gazing to the picture made by Sarang. The picture of the only love of her life.He look exactly same as the man who came in Ray's Dream.

Ray sigh in relief as he finally confirmed about Lucian's appearance.He could find him now.

Father Thomas(Somber): It was a devastating time for everyone.Specially for him. It must have been so hard for him...

Ray( Interrogating) : Is he aware about Sarang?

Father Thomas(Reflective) : I believe, He is!

Ray(determined) : I want to find him.

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